
Civil Engineering


Transportation Engineering (14)

e-books in Civil Engineering category

Book cover: How to Construct and Maintain Gravel RoadsHow to Construct and Maintain Gravel Roads
by - FDA, Inc ,
This manual is designed for local officials, managers, and grader operators responsible for gravel road maintenance. It provides clear, nontechnical guidelines and instructions to ensure effective operations without sacrificing clarity.
Book cover: Bridge Demolition PracticesBridge Demolition Practices
- National Academies Press ,
Unintended events resulting in injury, project delays and traffic disruptions can occur and have occurred during bridge demolition activities. This synthesis report assists in better understanding how to reduce risk associated with bridge demolition.
Book cover: Building Maintenance and Construction: Tools and Maintenance TasksBuilding Maintenance and Construction: Tools and Maintenance Tasks
by - Pressbooks ,
The book introduces and develops knowledge of basic building maintenance tools and materials, applied skills and techniques, industry health and safety standards, and preventive maintenance and troubleshooting practices required by employers ...
Book cover: Construction and Rehabilitation of Concrete Pavements Under TrafficConstruction and Rehabilitation of Concrete Pavements Under Traffic
- National Academies Press ,
The current state of the practice in constructing or rehabilitating concrete pavements under traffic relies on a few high-profile and well-documented projects. Sixteen case examples illustrate projects conducted under a variety of scenarios.

Book cover: Traditional and Innovative Approaches in Seismic DesignTraditional and Innovative Approaches in Seismic Design
by - MDPI AG ,
This book is about a wide range of innovative applications in earthquake engineering. The topics refer to the investigation of traditional and innovative materials for applications: masonry, reinforced concrete, steel, structural glass and timber.
Book cover: Highway EngineeringHighway Engineering
by - InTech ,
Highway engineering is an engineering discipline that involves the planning, design, construction, operation, and maintenance of roads, bridges, and tunnels. The book includes the main topics and the basic principles of highway engineering.
Book cover: Wood in Civil EngineeringWood in Civil Engineering
by - InTech ,
The use of wood in buildings, which goes back to the oldest of times, is now experiencing a period of strong expansion in virtue of the sustainable dimension of wood buildings from the environmental, economic and social standpoints.
Book cover: Energy Efficient BuildingsEnergy Efficient Buildings
by - InTech ,
This book discusses energy efficient buildings and the role they play in our efforts to address climate change, energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions by considering buildings and the construction sector's unique position ...
Book cover: Structural Bridge EngineeringStructural Bridge Engineering
by - InTech ,
This book is intended as a source of information for problems related to bridge engineering including sustainable bridge development, traditional approaches and recent advances in highway bridge traffic loading, aesthetic analysis issues, etc.
Book cover: High Performance Concrete Technology and ApplicationsHigh Performance Concrete Technology and Applications
by - InTech ,
Researchers and engineers are constantly working on improving concrete properties. This book provides the state of the art on recent progress in the high-performance concrete applications written by researchers and experts in the field.
Book cover: Energy Efficiency Solutions for Historic BuildingsEnergy Efficiency Solutions for Historic Buildings
by - Birkhäuser ,
This handbook holistically summarises the principles for the energy retrofitting of historic buildings, from the first diagnosis to the adequately designed intervention: preservation of the historic structure, user comfort, and energy efficiency.
Book cover: The Delft Sand, Clay and Rock Cutting ModelThe Delft Sand, Clay and Rock Cutting Model
by - IOS Press ,
This book provides an overview of cutting theories. It begins with a generic model, valid for all types of soil (sand, clay and rock), and continues with the specifics of dry sand, water-saturated sand, clay, atmospheric rock and hyperbaric rock.
Book cover: A Manual Of Land SurveyingA Manual Of Land Surveying
by - F. Hodgman Co. ,
This addition to the already numerous treatises on land surveying was caused by the demand of the surveyors of Michigan for a treatise which would deal with the practical questions which meet the surveyor in his every day work in the field.
Book cover: Imagining the Future City: London 2062Imagining the Future City: London 2062
by - Ubiquity Press ,
What does the future hold for London? Investigating the city's future reveals a complex picture of interrelations. This book approaches the question of London's future by considering the city in terms of Connections, Things, Power and Dreams.
Book cover: Asphalt: Its Composition, Properties and UsesAsphalt: Its Composition, Properties and Uses
by - Reinhold Pub. Corp. ,
A short review on the composition, properties, and applications of asphalt. The aim has been to present the essential points. Attention is given to the manufacture of asphalt, the forms in which it is used, and finally its important applications.
Book cover: Productivity Improvement in Building Life CycleProductivity Improvement in Building Life Cycle
by - Bookboon ,
The book provides rich insights into building procurement process, new house building process, productivity measurement in construction, building life cycle phases, and the key role players in the building development process and their influences...
Book cover: Reinforced Concrete: Theory and PracticeReinforced Concrete: Theory and Practice
by - Batsford ,
The author's principal object in writing this book was not to put forward any particular method of construction, but to collect in a concise form what seemed to him best of the many formulae and systems used in various countries ...
Book cover: Wood Handbook: Wood as an Engineering MaterialWood Handbook: Wood as an Engineering Material
by - Forest Products Laboratory ,
This handbook is intended to serve as a primary reference on the use of wood in a variety of applications -- from general construction to use of wood for decorative purposes. It provides a source of information on the various properties of wood.
Book cover: Fundamentals of Construction ManagementFundamentals of Construction Management
by - Bookboon ,
This is an important book invaluable to those who require knowledge on managing the construction process. The book is based on research, contemporary construction management and management literature, and the personal work experience of the author.
Book cover: Advances on Analysis and Control of Vibrations: Theory and ApplicationsAdvances on Analysis and Control of Vibrations: Theory and Applications
by - InTech ,
This book is a compendium of research works on vibration analysis and control. It goes through new methodologies that help us understand and mitigate this phenomenon. The applications include vehicle suspension systems, wind turbines, etc.
Book cover: Earthquake EngineeringEarthquake Engineering
by - InTech ,
The book covers three-dimensional wave propagation in different soil media, seismic loss assessment, probabilistic hazard analysis, seismic behavior of structures, bridge embankments, different types of bridges and bearings, and more.
Book cover: Concrete and Reinforced ConcreteConcrete and Reinforced Concrete
by - I. Pitman ,
This book sets forth the essential nature of concrete, describes the materials of which it is composed, the manner in which these materials are proportioned and mixed, the methods adopted in practice for the application of the product, etc.
Book cover: Concrete Engineers' HandbookConcrete Engineers' Handbook
by - McGraw-Hill ,
This handbook has been prepared to make available the best of present day knowledge concerning concrete and reinforced concrete and to present complete data and details for the design and construction of the principal types of concrete structures.
Book cover: Principles of Highway EngineeringPrinciples of Highway Engineering
by - McGraw-Hill ,
This volume has been prepared for use in college courses in highway engineering. Although intended, primarily, for beginning courses, it will be found of value as an auxiliary and reference book in advanced courses in design and administration.
Book cover: Monitoring of Internal Moisture Loads in Residential BuildingsMonitoring of Internal Moisture Loads in Residential Buildings
by - PD&R ,
This research project has collected 1 full year of indoor temperature and humidity data for a sample of 60 homes across three different climate regions - the hot and humid Southeast (Zone 2), the cold Northeast (Zone 5), and the marine Northwest.
Book cover: Practical Astronomy for EngineersPractical Astronomy for Engineers
by - Stephens ,
The main purpose of the volume is an exposition of the principal methods of determining latitude, azimuth, and time. Generally speaking, the limit of precision is that corresponding to the engineer's transit or the sextant.
Book cover: Elementary Applied MechanicsElementary Applied Mechanics
by - MacMillan ,
The work forms an elementary consecutive treatise on the subject of Internal Stress and Strain. The whole is illustrated by a systematic and graduated set of Examples. At every point graphical methods are combined with the analytical.
Book cover: Methods and Techniques in Urban EngineeringMethods and Techniques in Urban Engineering
by - InTech ,
Topics covered: urban automation; geographic information systems; urban noise, floods and transports; information technology applied to the cities; tools for urban simulation, social monitoring and control of urban policies; sustainability; etc.
Book cover: Earthquake Engineering for Concrete DamsEarthquake Engineering for Concrete Dams
- National Academies ,
In this book, current knowledge about the earthquake performance of concrete dams is evaluated, including procedures for investigating the seismic safety. The book informs researchers about state-of-the-art earthquake analysis of concrete dams.
Book cover: The Mechanical Properties of WoodThe Mechanical Properties of Wood
by ,
This book was written primarily for students of forestry to whom a knowledge of the technical properties of wood is essential. The mechanics involved is reduced to the simplest terms and without reference to higher mathematics.
Book cover: Modern Masonry: Natural Stone and Clay ProductsModern Masonry: Natural Stone and Clay Products
- National Academies Press ,
The edited papers and discussions of a research correlation conference. From the table of contents: Architectural Design; Technology of Building with Masonry; Research and New Technical Developments; Costs and Maintenance; Building Type Analysis.
Book cover: Science Pertaining To Civil EngineeringScience Pertaining To Civil Engineering
- International TextBook Company ,
The book is written clearly and in the simplest language possible. This volume covers fundamental principles of mechanics, analytic statics, kinematics and kinetics, hydrostatics, pneumatics, and rudiments of analytic geometry.
Book cover: Seismic Design for BuildingsSeismic Design for Buildings
- Dept. of the Army ,
This manual provides criteria and guidance for the design of structures to resist the effects of earthquakes. It takes a general approach for the seismic design of buildings. Primary emphasis is given to the equivalent static force design procedure.
Book cover: Project Management for ConstructionProject Management for Construction
by - Prentice Hall ,
This book develops a specific viewpoint in discussing the participants, the processes and the techniques of project management for construction. This viewpoint is that of owners who desire completion of projects in a timely, cost effective fashion.
Book cover: Practical AstronomyPractical Astronomy
by - John Wiley and Sons Inc. ,
The text is adapted to the needs of civil-engineering students. The text deals chiefly with the class of observations which can be made with surveying instruments, the methods applicable to astronomical and geodetic instruments being treated briefly.
Book cover: Robotics and Automation in ConstructionRobotics and Automation in Construction
by - InTech ,
The authors discuss the main research challenges of Robotics and Automation in Construction (RAC), the technologies and new developments employed to automate processes in the construction industry, and give case studies of RAC.
Book cover: Basic Concepts in TurbomachineryBasic Concepts in Turbomachinery
by - BookBoon ,
This free textbook is intended to complement existing literature by providing more detail on some of the very basics aspects of how turbomachinery operates. A series of problems are provided at the end of each chapter with numerical answers.
Book cover: Roller Coaster PhysicsRoller Coaster Physics
by ,
This text discusses some of the principles involved in the design of a roller coaster. It is intended for the middle or high school teacher, and physics students. Many of the concepts can be applied to topics other than roller coasters.
Book cover: Concise HydraulicsConcise Hydraulics
by - BookBoon ,
Introductory textbook on hydraulics written for undergraduate students in civil and environmental engineering, environmental science and geography. The aim of this book is to provide a concise and comprehensive coverage of hydraulics.
Book cover: Design of Wood Frame Structures for PermanenceDesign of Wood Frame Structures for Permanence
- AWC ,
When properly designed, wood frame structures will resist damage by moisture and living organisms. Recommendations for control of moisture and protection against decay and insect infestations are contained in this document.
Book cover: Heavy Timber ConstructionHeavy Timber Construction
- AWC ,
Heavy timber construction is one of the oldest types of buildings. This publication defines the requirements for heavy timber construction, and provides illustrations of good construction details. Written for architects and builders.
Book cover: Tongue and Groove Roof DeckingTongue and Groove Roof Decking
- AWC ,
Timber tongue and groove decking is a specialty lumber product that can be used for many applications to provide an all-wood appearance. This document contains all that's needed to design and construct tongue and groove wood roof decking.
Book cover: Details for Conventional Wood Frame ConstructionDetails for Conventional Wood Frame Construction
- ICC ,
A comprehensive summary of rules and guidelines for the proper construction of wood frame buildings. The book includes information on various types of construction, framing systems, fire and draftstopping, protection against decay, etc.
Book cover: Plank-And-Beam Framing for Residential BuildingsPlank-And-Beam Framing for Residential Buildings
- American Wood Council ,
The book presents technical data that will be helpful to architects, engineers and builders. It covers the principles of design, construction details, and requirements for the plank-and-beam method of framing, including span and load tables.
Book cover: Computer Analysis & Reinforced Concrete Design of BeamsComputer Analysis & Reinforced Concrete Design of Beams
by - Fadzter Media ,
This project deals with the creation of a computer application that analyzes and designs structural beams. The project also aims at emphasizing the importance of computers in the solution of everyday engineering problems.