e-books in Quantum Computing category

by Philip Krantz, et al. - arXiv.org , 2019
The aim of this review is to provide quantum engineers with an introductory guide to the central concepts and challenges in the rapidly accelerating field of superconducting quantum circuits. Over the past twenty years, the field has matured ...

by Emily Grumbling, Mark Horowitz - National Academies Press , 2018
Quantum mechanics provides the basis for a new paradigm of computing. First proposed in the 1980s as a way to improve computational modeling of quantum systems, the field of quantum computing has recently garnered significant attention ...

by Richard L Amoroso - viXra.org , 2018
From the table of contents: From Concept to Conundrum; Cornucopia of Quantum Logic Gates; Surmounting Uncertainty Supervening Decoherence; Measurement With Certainty; New Classes of Quantum Algorithms; References; and more ...

by G. Adesso, T.R. Bromley, M. Cianciaruso - arXiv , 2016
An overview of the current quest for a proper understanding of frontier between classical and quantum correlations in composite states. We focus on various approaches to define general quantum correlations, based on different physical perspectives.

by Bei Zeng, et al. - Springer , 2015
The draft version of a textbook, introducing the quantum information science viewpoints on condensed matter physics to graduate students. We keep the writing in a self-consistent way, requiring minimum background in quantum information science.

by S. Gharibian, Y. Huang, Z. Landau, S. W. Shin - arXiv , 2014
We survey the growing field of Quantum Hamiltonian Complexity. Our aim is to provide a computer science-oriented introduction to the subject in order to help bridge the language barrier between computer scientists and physicists in the field.

by Ved Prakash Gupta, Prabha Mandayam, V. S. Sunder - arXiv , 2014
This book is a compilation of notes from a two-week international workshop on the 'Functional Analysis of Quantum Information Theory'. Contents: Operator Spaces; Entanglement in Bipartite Quantum States; Operator Systems; Quantum Information Theory.

by John Preskill - California Institute of Technology , 1998
We will study the properties that distinguish quantum information from classical information. And we will see how these properties can be exploited in the design of quantum algorithms that solve certain problems faster than classical algorithms can.

by Valerio Scarani - arXiv , 2009
I rapidly review the basic notions of quantum physics and many primitives of quantum information. The second part is devoted to a detailed introduction to the topic of quantum correlations, covering the evidence for failure of alternative theories...

by Scott Aaronson - University of Waterloo , 2006
We'll start out with various scientific problems that predate quantum computing: for example, the measurement problem, P versus NP, the existence of secure cryptography, the Humean problem of induction, or the possibility of closed timelike curves.

by Steven M. Girvin - Yale University , 2011
These lectures are devoted to understanding the basic components of quantum machines that can be constructed from superconducting electrical circuits. These circuits can be used to create resonators which store individual microwave photons.

- Quantiki , 2013
An encyclopedia of everything quantum. Sections: Mathematical Structure; Quantum States; Evolution and Operations; Entanglement; Quantum Information Theory; Quantum Discord; Quantum Communication; Quantum Cryptography; Quantum Computation; etc.

by S. M. Girvin - arXiv , 2013
These notes will present a brief introduction to the basic theoretical concepts behind the 'second quantum revolution'. They also provide an introduction to 'circuit QED', which offers an architecture for constructing quantum information processors.

by Zachary Burell - arXiv , 2012
We present a concise but complete conceptual treatment of quantum computing implemented with Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics (CQED). The paper is intended as a brief overview for professionals who are coming over to the field from other areas.

by Man-Hong Yung, et al. - arXiv , 2012
The text focuses on applications of quantum computation to problems of interest in physics and chemistry. The authors describe quantum simulation algorithms that have been developed for electronic-structure problems, thermal-state preparation, etc.

by Salvador E. Venegas-Andraca - arXiv , 2012
Quantum walks is an advanced tool for building quantum algorithms that constitute a universal model of quantum computation. In this paper we review theoretical advances on the foundations of both discrete- and continuous-time quantum walks.

by Renato Renner - ETH Zurich , 2015
Processing of information is necessarily a physical process. It is not surprising that physics and the theory of information are inherently connected. Quantum information theory is a research area whose goal is to explore this connection.

by John Watrous - University of Calgary , 2004
The focus is on the mathematical theory of quantum information. We will begin with basic principles and methods for reasoning about quantum information, and then move on to a discussion of various results concerning quantum information.

by John Watrous - University of Calgary , 2006
Topics: Quantum information; Superdense coding, quantum circuits, and partial measurements; Quantum Teleportation; Searching algorithms; Simon's algorithm; Phase estimation; Order finding; Grover's Algorithm; Quantum error correction; etc.

by Eleanor G. Rieffel, Wolfgang Polak - arXiv , 2000
This paper will guide computer scientists and other non-physicists through the barriers that separate quantum computing from conventional computing. We introduce basics of quantum mechanics to explain where the power of quantum computers comes from.

by Kazuyuki Fujii - arXiv , 2002
The purpose of this paper is to introduce several basic theorems of coherent states and generalized coherent states based on Lie algebras su(2) and su(1,1), and to give some applications of them to quantum information theory for graduate students.

by B. Aoun, M. Tarifi - arXiv , 2004
In this text the authors attempt to provide a useful introduction to quantum cellular automata from a computing perspective. For clarity and accessibility they provide a brief overview of both quantum computing and classical cellular automata.

by Clare Hewitt-Horsman - arXiv , 2009
This paper introduces one interpretation of quantum mechanics, a modern 'many-worlds' theory, from the perspective of quantum computation. Reasons for seeking to interpret quantum mechanics are discussed, then the specific theory is introduced.

by Earl T. Campbell, Joseph Fitzsimons - arXiv , 2009
This review provides a gentle introduction to one-way quantum computing in distributed architectures. One-way quantum computation shows significant promise as a model for distributed systems, particularly probabilistic entangling operations.

by Robert H. Schumann - arXiv , 2000
A short review of ideas in quantum information theory. Quantum mechanics is presented together with some useful tools for quantum mechanics of open systems. The treatment is pedagogical and suitable for beginning graduates in the field.

by Artur Ekert, Patrick Hayden, Hitoshi Inamori - arXiv , 2000
Contents: Qubits, gates and networks; Quantum arithmetic and function evaluations; Algorithms and their complexity; From interferometers to computers; The first quantum algorithms; Quantum search; Optimal phase estimation; and more.

by Bing Qi, Li Qian, Hoi-Kwong Lo - arXiv , 2010
We present the principles behind quantum key distribution and discuss a few well-known QKD protocols. We focus more on the implementation of QKD protocols rather than security analysis. Another topic covered here is the security of QKD systems.

by N. Gisin, G. Ribordy, W. Tittel, H. Zbinden - arXiv , 2001
Quantum cryptography could well be the first application of quantum mechanics at the individual quanta level. The fast progress in theory and experiments over the recent years are reviewed, with emphasis on open questions and technological issues.

by Michele Mosca - arXiv , 2008
This text surveys the state of the art in quantum computer algorithms, including both black-box and non-black-box results. A representative sample of quantum algorithms is given. This includes a summary of the early quantum algorithms, etc.

by Samuel J. Lomonaco, jr - arXiv , 2000
These notes provide readers, who have some mathematical background but little exposure to quantum mechanics and quantum computation, with enough material to begin reading the research literature in quantum computation and quantum information theory.

by David Mermin - Cambridge University Press , 2007
A concise introduction to quantum computation, developing the basic elements of this branch of computational theory without assuming any background in physics. It begins with an introduction to the quantum theory from a computer-science perspective.

by Riley T. Perry , 2004
A quantum computing tutorial for everyone, including those who have no background in physics. In quantum computers we exploit quantum effects to compute in ways that are faster or more efficient than, or even impossible, on conventional computers.