
Information & Coding Theory

e-books in Information & Coding Theory category

Book cover: Information and CodingInformation and Coding
by - AMS ,
The aim is to review the many facets of information, coding, and cryptography, including their uses throughout history and their mathematical underpinnings. Prerequisites included high-school mathematics and willingness to deal with unfamiliar ideas.
Book cover: Error-Correction Coding and DecodingError-Correction Coding and Decoding
by - Springer ,
This book discusses both the theory and practical applications of self-correcting data, commonly known as error-correcting codes. The applications included demonstrate the importance of these codes in a wide range of everyday technologies.
Book cover: Around Kolmogorov Complexity: Basic Notions and ResultsAround Kolmogorov Complexity: Basic Notions and Results
by - arXiv.org ,
Algorithmic information theory studies description complexity and randomness. This text covers the basic notions of algorithmic information theory: Kolmogorov complexity, Solomonoff universal a priori probability, effective Hausdorff dimension, etc.
Book cover: Information, Entropy and Their Geometric StructuresInformation, Entropy and Their Geometric Structures
by - MDPI AG ,
The aim of this book is to provide an overview of current work addressing topics of research that explore the geometric structures of information and entropy. This survey will motivate readers to explore the emerging domain of Science of Information.

Book cover: Essential Coding TheoryEssential Coding Theory
by - University at Buffalo ,
Error-correcting codes are clever ways of representing data so that one can recover the original information even if parts of it are corrupted. The basic idea is to introduce redundancy so that the original information can be recovered ...
Book cover: Data Compression ExplainedData Compression Explained
by - mattmahoney.net ,
This book is for the reader who wants to understand how data compression works, or who wants to write data compression software. Prior programming ability and some math skills will be needed. This book is intended to be self contained.
Book cover: A primer on information theory, with applications to neuroscienceA primer on information theory, with applications to neuroscience
by - arXiv ,
This chapter is supposed to give a short introduction to the fundamentals of information theory, especially suited for people having a less firm background in mathematics and probability theory. The focus will be on neuroscientific topics.
Book cover: Data CompressionData Compression
- Wikibooks ,
Data compression is useful in some situations because 'compressed data' will save time (in reading and on transmission) and space if compared to the unencoded information it represent. In this book, we describe the decompressor first.
Book cover: From Classical to Quantum Shannon TheoryFrom Classical to Quantum Shannon Theory
by - arXiv ,
The aim of this book is to develop 'from the ground up' many of the major developments in quantum Shannon theory. We study quantum mechanics for quantum information theory, we give important unit protocols of teleportation, super-dense coding, etc.
Book cover: Logic and InformationLogic and Information
by - ESSLLI ,
An introductory, comparative account of three mathematical approaches to information: the classical quantitative theory of Claude Shannon, a qualitative theory developed by Fred Dretske, and a qualitative theory introduced by Barwise and Perry.
Book cover: Conditional Rate Distortion TheoryConditional Rate Distortion Theory
by - Information Systems Laboratory ,
The conditional rate-distortion function has proved useful in source coding problems involving the possession of side information. This book represents an early work on conditional rate distortion functions and related theory.
Book cover: Algorithmic Information TheoryAlgorithmic Information Theory
by - CWI ,
We introduce algorithmic information theory, also known as the theory of Kolmogorov complexity. We explain this quantitative approach to defining information and discuss the extent to which Kolmogorov's and Shannon's theory have a common purpose.
Book cover: The Limits of MathematicsThe Limits of Mathematics
by - Springer ,
The final version of a course on algorithmic information theory and the epistemology of mathematics. The book discusses the nature of mathematics in the light of information theory, and sustains the thesis that mathematics is quasi-empirical.
Book cover: Quantum Information TheoryQuantum Information Theory
by - ETH Zurich ,
Processing of information is necessarily a physical process. It is not surprising that physics and the theory of information are inherently connected. Quantum information theory is a research area whose goal is to explore this connection.
Book cover: Theory of Quantum InformationTheory of Quantum Information
by - University of Calgary ,
The focus is on the mathematical theory of quantum information. We will begin with basic principles and methods for reasoning about quantum information, and then move on to a discussion of various results concerning quantum information.
Book cover: Generalized Information Measures and Their ApplicationsGeneralized Information Measures and Their Applications
by - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina ,
Contents: Shannon's Entropy; Information and Divergence Measures; Entropy-Type Measures; Generalized Information and Divergence Measures; M-Dimensional Divergence Measures and Their Generalizations; Unified (r,s)-Multivariate Entropies; etc.
Book cover: Information Theory, Excess Entropy and Statistical ComplexityInformation Theory, Excess Entropy and Statistical Complexity
by - College of the Atlantic ,
This e-book is a brief tutorial on information theory, excess entropy and statistical complexity. From the table of contents: Background in Information Theory; Entropy Density and Excess Entropy; Computational Mechanics.
Book cover: Information Theory and Statistical PhysicsInformation Theory and Statistical Physics
by - arXiv ,
Lecture notes for a graduate course focusing on the relations between Information Theory and Statistical Physics. The course is aimed at EE graduate students in the area of Communications and Information Theory, or graduate students in Physics.
Book cover: Quantum Information TheoryQuantum Information Theory
by - arXiv ,
A short review of ideas in quantum information theory. Quantum mechanics is presented together with some useful tools for quantum mechanics of open systems. The treatment is pedagogical and suitable for beginning graduates in the field.
Book cover: Lecture Notes on Network Information TheoryLecture Notes on Network Information Theory
by - arXiv ,
Network information theory deals with the fundamental limits on information flow in networks and optimal coding and protocols. These notes provide a broad coverage of key results, techniques, and open problems in network information theory.
Book cover: A Short Course in Information TheoryA Short Course in Information Theory
by - University of Cambridge ,
This text discusses the theorems of Claude Shannon, starting from the source coding theorem, and culminating in the noisy channel coding theorem. Along the way we will study simple examples of codes for data compression and error correction.
Book cover: Entropy and Information TheoryEntropy and Information Theory
by - Springer ,
The book covers the theory of probabilistic information measures and application to coding theorems for information sources and noisy channels. This is an up-to-date treatment of traditional information theory emphasizing ergodic theory.
Book cover: Information Theory and CodingInformation Theory and Coding
by - University of Cambridge ,
The aims of this course are to introduce the principles and applications of information theory. The course will study how information is measured in terms of probability and entropy, and the relationships among conditional and joint entropies; etc.
Book cover: Network Coding TheoryNetwork Coding Theory
by - Now Publishers Inc ,
A tutorial on the basics of the theory of network coding. It presents network coding for the transmission from a single source node, and deals with the problem under the more general circumstances when there are multiple source nodes.
Book cover: A Mathematical Theory of CommunicationA Mathematical Theory of Communication
by ,
Shannon presents results previously found nowhere else, and today many professors refer to it as the best exposition on the subject of the mathematical limits on communication. It laid the modern foundations for what is now coined Information Theory.
Book cover: Information Theory, Inference, and Learning AlgorithmsInformation Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms
by - Cambridge University Press ,
A textbook on information theory, Bayesian inference and learning algorithms, useful for undergraduates and postgraduates students, and as a reference for researchers. Essential reading for students of electrical engineering and computer science.