
Money & Monetary Policy

e-books in Money & Monetary Policy category

Book cover: The Future of Money in the Information AgeThe Future of Money in the Information Age
by - Cato Institute ,
The essays in this book consider the implications of the information revolution for financial innovation and the future of money; the regulatory climate; the impact of e-money on taxation and monetary policy; the problem of maintaining privacy; etc.
Book cover: Central Banking and Monetary Policy: An IntroductionCentral Banking and Monetary Policy: An Introduction
by - Bookboon ,
This book presents an introduction to central banking and monetary policy. Central banking is not just about monetary policy. It is also about being banker and advisor to government and managing the money and banking system ...
Book cover: Money Market: An IntroductionMoney Market: An Introduction
by - Bookboon ,
Money market has traditionally been defined as the market for short-term marketable debt instruments, such as commercial paper and treasury bills. It is more than this. It embraces all short-term lending and borrowing, marketable and non-marketable.
Book cover: Fundamentals of Monetary Policy in the Euro AreaFundamentals of Monetary Policy in the Euro Area
by - Bookboon ,
This book attempts to inform the reader about the analytical background and institutional setting of euro area monetary policy. The theory and practice of monetary policy are explained in detail and illustrated by a number of real world examples.

Book cover: The Value of MoneyThe Value of Money
by - The Macmillan Company ,
In order to reach conclusions upon the value of money, it has been necessary to consider virtually the whole range of economic theory; the general theory of value; the role of money in economic theory and the functions of money in economic life...
Book cover: The Tragedy of the EuroThe Tragedy of the Euro
by - Ludwig von Mises Institute ,
Professor Bagus explains the background to the idea of European unity and its heritage of sound money. He explains that the Euro is not what the older liberals had hoped for but instead is a politically managed money that is destined for failure.
Book cover: Gold, Peace, and ProsperityGold, Peace, and Prosperity
by - Ludwig von Mises Institute ,
Ron Paul explains why sound money means a new gold standard. The monograph is written in the clearest possible terms with the goal of explaining the basics of paper money and its effects of inflation, business cycles, and government growth.
Book cover: Risk Aversion and Portfolio ChoiceRisk Aversion and Portfolio Choice
by - John Wiley & Sons ,
The seven essays in the monograph 'Risk Aversion and Portfolio Choice' have both normative applications, as pieces of advice to investors, and positive implications, as descriptions of the economy. They are partly theoretical and partly empirical.
Book cover: Studies of Portfolio BehaviorStudies of Portfolio Behavior
by - John Wiley & Sons ,
This monograph is institutionally oriented -- authors draw on some theoretical developments and seek to apply them to the particular circumstances of various economic units: households, nonfinancial corporations, banks and life insurance companies.
Book cover: Financial Markets and Economic ActivityFinancial Markets and Economic Activity
by - J. Wiley and Sons ,
The subjects of this monograph concern the conditions of equilibrium in economy-wide financial markets. The authors investigate the consequences of various institutions and regulations for the effectiveness of monetary control.
Book cover: Silver MoneySilver Money
by - The Principia Press ,
The silver question is an important and controversial one. The purpose of this book is to present in one volume the background and principal developments in the use of silver as money since the beginning of the nineteenth century.
Book cover: Money, Sound and UnsoundMoney, Sound and Unsound
by - Ludwig von Mises Institute ,
Salerno uses the Mises/Rothbard theory of money to reinterpret historical episodes, reevaluate the history of thought, closely examine the Federal Reserve policy, and clarify the relationship between the state and the central bank.
Book cover: Money and BankingMoney and Banking
by - Saylor Foundation ,
Minimal mathematics, accessible language, and a student-oriented tone ease readers into complex subjects like money, interest rates, banking, asymmetric information, financial crises and regulation, monetary policy, monetary theory, and other topics.
Book cover: Price Stability: Why Is It Important for You?Price Stability: Why Is It Important for You?
by - European Central Bank, ,
The Treaty establishing the EU has given the Eurosystem the mandate to maintain price stability. This is a book on the importance of price stability, how it can be best achieved and how price stability supports sustainable economic growth in the EU.
Book cover: Creating New MoneyCreating New Money
by - New Economics Foundation ,
In the information age, money has mainly become information, electronically stored and transmitted. The authors propose a simple reform of monetary policies, and spell out its practicalities step-by-step. The arguments for it are very strong.
Book cover: The Ethics of Money ProductionThe Ethics of Money Production
by - Ludwig von Mises Institute ,
This pioneering work is the first full study of a critically important issue today: the ethics of money production. The thesis is that a government monopoly on money production and management has no ethical or economic grounding at all.
Book cover: The Case Against the FedThe Case Against the Fed
by - Ludwig Von Mises Institute ,
The author presents the most powerful case against the American central bank ever written. This work begins with a mini-treatment of money and banking theory, and then plunges right in with the real history of the Federal Reserve System.
Book cover: Money and Man: A Survey of Monetary ExperienceMoney and Man: A Survey of Monetary Experience
by - University of Oklahoma Press ,
A survey of the history of money. This book makes abundantly clear that what we are experiencing today is the exact same situation that has been inflicted over and over again throughout history on the most advanced and powerful civilizations.
Book cover: The Causes of the Economic CrisisThe Causes of the Economic Crisis
by - Ludwig von Mises Institute ,
The author presents his business cycle theory, applies it to the prevailing conditions, and discusses the policies that governments undertake that make recessions worse. He recommends a monetary reform that would provide a sustainable prosperity.
Book cover: Modern Money MechanicsModern Money Mechanics
- Federal Reserve ,
This booklet describes the basic process of money creation in a fractional reserve banking system. The approach taken illustrates the changes in bank balance sheets that occur when deposits in banks change as a result of monetary action.
Book cover: What Has Government Done to Our Money?What Has Government Done to Our Money?
by - Ludwig von Mises Institute ,
Rothbard's famous monetary essay has influenced two generations of economists and business professionals. After presenting the basics of money and banking theory, the author traces the decline of the dollar from the 18th century to the present.
Book cover: The Case for GoldThe Case for Gold
by - Ludwig von Mises Institute ,
The book covers the history of gold in the US, explains that its breakdown was caused by governments, and explains the merit of having sound money: prices reflect market realities, government stays in check, and the people retain their freedom.
Book cover: Denationalisation of MoneyDenationalisation of Money
by - Coronet Books ,
The author argues that the government monopoly of money must be abolished to stop recurring periods of inflation and deflation. Abolition is also the cure for the recurring waves of unemployment and depression attributed to 'capitalism'.
Book cover: The Theory of Money and CreditThe Theory of Money and Credit
by - Yale University Press ,
Mises shows how money had its origin in the market, and how its value is based on its usefulness as a commodity in exchange. Mises presents the case for sound money with no inflation, and presents the beginnings of a full-scale business cycle theory.
Book cover: Money, Bank Credit, and Economic CyclesMoney, Bank Credit, and Economic Cycles
by - Ludwig von Mises Institute ,
Author has made history with this exciting treatise that the market can fully manage the money and banking sector, without inflation, without business cycles, and without the economic instability that has characterized the age of government control.
Book cover: The Inflation Crisis, and How to Resolve ItThe Inflation Crisis, and How to Resolve It
by - Arlington House ,
The author attempted to analyze thoroughly and in depth nearly a score of major problems raised by inflation and chronic fallacies that are in large part responsible for its continuance. Henry Hazlitt is the author of numerous books in economics.