e-books in Substance Abuse category
by Steve R. - Smashwords , 2017
The world of addiction is a darkened abyss. This story will impart a message of hope to those still suffering from this sad disease. This book will use a variety of simple analogies to illustrate experiences that helped me gain my own sobriety.
by Steve R. - Smashwords , 2013
Born Broken is the story of my struggle with alcoholism, and the different stages of my journey to recovery. As you travel through this story with me, you will discover how alcohol took control of my life while I was still very young and vulnerable.
- National Cancer Institute , 2008
This booklet was written with the help of ex-smokers and experts. It can help you prepare to quit and support you in the days after you quit. It also describes problems to expect when you quit. Being prepared can help you through the hard times.
- Alcoholics Anonymous World Services , 2010
Alcoholics Anonymous sets forth cornerstone concepts of recovery from alcoholism and tells the stories of men and women who have overcome the disease. This book is the most widely used resource for millions of individuals in recovery.
by Mike Gray - Libertary , 2009
This book is a scathing indictment of America's decades-long 'war on drugs', an expensive and hypocritical folly which has essentially benefited only two classes of people: professional anti-drug advocates and drug lords.
- National Institutes of Health , 2003
This edition presents the updated prevention principles, an overview of program planning, and critical steps for those learning about prevention. It is an introduction to research-based prevention for those new to the field of drug abuse prevention.
by Alan I. Leshner - Diane Pub. Co. , 2018
Decades of research and clinical practice have yielded a variety of effective approaches to drug addiction treatment. To share the results of this extensive body of research, the National Institute on Drug Abuse prepared this guide.
- World Health Organization , 2004
Summary of current knowledge of the biological basis of substance use behaviours, including their relationship with environmental factors. The report focuses on a wide range of psychoactive substances, including tobacco, alcohol and illicit drugs.
by Embeca Erekose , 2007
This text is in a fact a gripping semi-autobiographical philosophical blockbuster, a metaphysical page-turner. The ideas presented by the author are scandalously anti-general consensus, the style and logic, scandalously anti-intellectual.