Optics (12)
see also
e-books in Electromagnetism category

by C. J. Papachristou - Hellenic Naval Academy , 2017
This sophomore-level textbook introduces the student to classical electrodynamics and explains in simple terms the quantum theory of conducting substances. The presentation sacrifices mathematical detail in favor of pedagogigal efficiency.

by David Tong - University of Cambridge , 2015
These lecture notes provide a comprehensive introduction to Electromagnetism, aimed at undergraduates. The notes assume a familiarity with Newtonian mechanics and special relativity. They also assume a knowledge of vector calculus.

by Justin Dressel, Konstantin Y. Bliokh, Franco Nori - arXiv , 2014
We present an introduction to spacetime algebra that emphasizes its power as a tool for the study of electromagnetism. We carefully develop this natural algebra of the Minkowski spacetime geometry, with a focus on its intrinsic complex structure.

by Bernhard Auchmann, Stefan Kurz - arXiv , 2014
We introduce a relativistic splitting structure as a means to map equations of electromagnetism from curved four-dimensional space-time to 3-dimensional observer's space. We focus on mathematical structures that are motivated by the physical theory.

by Solomon I. Khmelnik - viXra , 2012
Here we shall formulate the variational optimum principle for electromechanical systems of arbitrary configuration, in which electromagnetic processes are going on. The principle is generalized for systems described by partial differential equations.

by Robert G. Brown - Duke University Physics Department , 2007
This set of lecture notes is designed to be used to teach graduate students classical electrodynamics. In particular, it supports the second semester of a two semester course in electrodynamics that covers pretty much 'all' of the theory itself...

by Raymond John Protheroe - Bookboon , 2013
Starting with Maxwell's equations and conservation laws, the book takes a logical step-by-step progression through electromagnetic waves in empty space, dispersive media and in waveguides. The book ends with radiation and scattering.

by Raymond John Protheroe - Bookboon , 2013
A concise introduction to this fundamental topic. Starting with forces on charges, it takes a progression through electrostatics and magnetostatics, both in empty space and in matter. Intended for undergraduate studies in physics and engineering.

by Eric L. Michelsen - UCSD , 2013
Funky Electromagnetic Concepts will help you develop an accurate physical, conceptual, geometric, and pictorial understanding of important physics topics: Circuits; Classical Electromagnetics; Relativistic Electromagnetics; etc.

by Yosun Chang , 2003
This is an online textbook on lower division level calculus-based Electricity and Magnetism for the Science and Engineering majors. It provides you with an alternate and possibly more illuminating method of preparing for examinations and quizzes.

by Hermann A. Haus, James R. Melcher - MIT , 1998
The text is aimed at an audience that has seen Maxwell's equations in integral or differential form (second-term Freshman Physics) and had some exposure to integral theorems and differential operators (second term Freshman Calculus).

by R. Gomez Martin - Universidad de Granada , 2009
Contents: Electromagnetic field fundamentals; Fields created by a source distribution: retarded potentials; Electromagnetic waves; Reflection and refraction of plane waves; Electromagnetic wave-guiding structures; Waveguides and transmission lines.

by Roy McWeeny - Learning Development Institute , 2011
Contents: Charges at rest: Electrostatics; Electric currents; Magnetism; Getting it all together: Maxwell's equations; Dynamos, motors, and electric power; Waves that travel through empty space; More on electric circuits - making the waves.

by Andrzej Wolski - arXiv , 2011
We discuss electromagnetic fields, with an emphasis on aspects relevant to radiofrequency systems in particle accelerators. We review Maxwell's equations and show that there are solutions representing the propagation of electromagnetic waves.

by Stoil Donev - arXiv , 1997
This paper summarizes the results obtained in the frame of a particular non-linearization of Classical Electrodynamics. The main purpose is to have a reliable field-theoretical approach in describing (3+1) soliton-like electromagnetic formations.

by Walter Wilcox - Baylor University , 2009
This is two semester graduate level text. Contents: Electrostatics; Boundary Value Problems in Electrostatics; Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinates; Magnetostatics; Time Varying Fields; Plane Electromagnetic Waves and Propagation in Matter; etc.

by Ingemar Bengtsson - Stockholms universitet, Fysikum , 2002
These are electrodynamics lecture notes for undergraduates. Topics covered are: special relativity, particles in external fields, magnetohydrodynamics, Maxwell's equations, radiation from moving charges, radiation damping.

by Paul W. Gross, P. Robert Kotiuga - Cambridge University Press , 2004
This book explores the connection between algebraic structures in topology and computational methods for electric and magnetic field computation. It will be of interest to researchers working in finite element methods for electromagnetic computation.

by Alexander Altland , 2018
The text covers the history and the apparatus of electrodynamics, electrostatics, magnetostatics, electromagnetic gauge field, field energy and momentum, electromagnetic radiation, macroscopic electrodynamics, relativistic invariance, etc.

by Richard Fitzpatrick - The University of Texas at Austin , 1996
Covered topics: The relativistically invariant formulation of the laws of electromagnetism; The effect of dielectric and magnetic materials on electric and magnetic fields; The generation, propagation, and scattering of electromagnetic waves.

by Mark Jarrell - Louisiana State University , 2000
Contents: Introduction to Electrostatics; Boundary-value Problems in Electrostatics; Multipoles; Macroscopic Media; Dielectrics; Static and Stationary Magnetic Fields; Maxwell's Equations; Plane Waves and Wave Propagation; and more.

by J. B. Tatum , 2007
Electric fields, potential, batteries, resistors, Ohm's law, capacitors, the magnetic effect of an electric current, magnetic potential, electromagnetic induction, magnetic materials, alternating current, Maxwell's equations.

by Kasper van Wyk - Samizdat Press , 1999
A collection of answers to problems from a graduate course in electrodynamics. The problems are mainly from Jackson's Classical Electrodynamics, with some practice problems. The answers provide the reader with a guideline to understand the problems.

by Ruslan Sharipov - Samizdat Press , 2003
A regular, smooth, and logically consistent introduction to the subject starting with basic facts like Coulomb law and ending with Einstein's theory of gravitation. A book for mathematics students, references to physical intuition are minimized.

by Bo Thidé - Upsilon Books , 2008
Textbook on the theory of electrodynamics for advanced undergraduate or graduate students, and research workers. It is written from a classical field theoretical point of view, emphasising fundamental properties of the EM field.

by Richard Fitzpatrick , 2007
Lecture notes for an lower-division electromagnetism and optics course: electric fields, Gauss' law, electric potential, capacitance, current, magnetism, magnetic induction, inductance, electromagnetic waves, geometric optics, and wave optics.

by Benjamin Crowell , 2007
This is an introductory college physics textbook on electricity and magnetism: electricity and the atom, the nucleus, circuits, fields of force, electromagnetism, capacitance and inductance. Calculus applications are discussed in optional sections.