
Mental Health


Dreams (6)

e-books in Mental Health category

Book cover: Living BipolarLiving Bipolar
by - Smashwords ,
This book bis a collection of stories of bipolar people, and uses their experience, strength, and hope as a guide to recovery for managing the highs and lows in order to live fulfilling lives. The book also shares stories of families and friends ...
Book cover: My Schizophrenic ExperienceMy Schizophrenic Experience
by - Smashwords ,
This book is a written account of my true life experience battling schizophrenia. I start off hearing people gossiping about me, but as time progresses I start talking to people physically as well. As my symptoms worsen, I am admitted to hospital.

Book cover: HypnosisHypnosis
- Wikibooks ,
This work covers the techniques commonly referred to as hypnosis. It will also offer support material, or reference it, such as methods to induce, or reinforce specific mental states and any attitudes and beliefs that impact the phenomena.
Book cover: Demystifying DepressionDemystifying Depression
- Wikibooks ,
Clinical depression can be an incapacitating illness, affecting your ability to perform tasks that require concentration and rendering you unable to work. We hope to provide you with the knowledge everyone should have about their mental well-being.
Book cover: Boy. Am I Mad?Boy. Am I Mad?
by ,
Heather, who was head of department of a service for children, suffered a massive blow when she was falsely accused of slapping a pupil. She suffered severe reactive depression and anxiety as a result of the allegation. This book tells her story.
Book cover: Understanding Anxiety ProblemsUnderstanding Anxiety Problems
by - Help-For ,
With information on anxiety and panic, symptoms of both anxiety and anxiety disorders and the way to overcome them, this book can help anyone to understand more about the cause and cure of the problem. The book focuses on causes, not just symptoms.
Book cover: Women and Depression: Discovering HopeWomen and Depression: Discovering Hope
- NIMH ,
Depression is a common illness, and most who have it need treatment to get better. When a woman has a depressive disorder, it interferes with daily life, and causes pain for both the woman with the disorder and those who care about her.
Book cover: SchizophreniaSchizophrenia
- NIMH ,
Schizophrenia is a chronic, severe, and disabling brain disorder that has affected people throughout history. Researchers are developing more effective medications and using new research tools to understand the causes of schizophrenia.
Book cover: Hypochondria: Woeful ImaginingsHypochondria: Woeful Imaginings
by - University of California Press ,
In this book the author examines this wide-spread malady through the prism of multiple disciplines: anthropology, sociology, psychology, and medicine, demonstrating that both symptoms and treatment express cultural and social biases.
Book cover: Hypericum for DepressionHypericum for Depression
by - Natural Medicine Journal ,
St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) is a well studied botanical medicine. This review focuses on the latest research and supports the use of hypericum preparations in mild to moderate depression and suggests it may be a favorable alternative ...
Book cover: Invisible Wounds of WarInvisible Wounds of War
by - RAND Corporation ,
This monograph focuses on post-traumatic stress disorder, major depression, and traumatic brain injury. Unlike the physical wounds of war, these conditions are often invisible to the eye, remaining invisible to society in general.
Book cover: Count All ThisCount All This
by - Four Sisters Publishing ,
Eddy's struggle with schizophrenia carries him to the deepest recesses of the human mind. In the midst of his descent, Jo is diagnosed with breast cancer. This is a story of love, madness, death, family loyalty and the bond between mothers and sons.