IBM DB2 (4)
Oracle (4)
PostgreSQL (6)
SQL (12)
SQL Server (10)
see also
e-books in Databases category

by Julia Silge, David Robinson - O'Reilly Media , 2019
With this practical book, you'll explore text-mining techniques with tidytext, a package that authors developed using the tidy principles behind R packages like ggraph and dplyr. You'll learn how tidytext can make text analysis easy and effective.

by Jacek Laskowski - GitBook , 2016
This collections of notes (what some may rashly call a 'book') serves as the ultimate place of mine to collect all the nuts and bolts of using Apache Spark. The notes aim to help me designing and developing better products with Apache Spark.

by Matthew North - Global Text Project , 2012
In this book, professor Matt North uses simple examples, clear explanations and free, powerful, easy-to-use software to teach you the basics of data mining; techniques that can help you answer some of your toughest business questions.

- Wikibooks , 2014
MySQL is a free, widely used SQL engine. It can be used as a fast database as well as a rock-solid DBMS using a modular engine architecture. The purpose of this wikibook is to provide a practical knowledge on using the database ...

by Marc Farley - Microsoft Press , 2013
The book describes a storage architecture that some experts are calling a game changer in the infrastructure industry. Called the Microsoft hybrid cloud storage, it is a way to integrate cloud storage services with traditional enterprise storage.

by Eric Redmond - GitBook , 2013
This is a free little book about Riak, a scalable, high availability NoSQL datastore. Riak is an open-source, distributed key/value database for high availability and near-linear scalability. Riak has remarkably high uptime and grows with you.

by Jan Bodnar - ZetCode , 2011
MySQL is a leading open source database management system. This is MySQL tutorial. It covers the MySQL database, various mysql command line tools and the SQL language covered by the database engine. It is an introductory tutorial for the beginners.

by Ian Robinson, Jim Webber, Emil Eifrem - O'Reilly Media , 2013
Graph Databases, published by O'Reilly Media, discusses the problems that are well aligned with graph databases, with examples drawn from practical, real-world use cases. This book also looks at the ecosystem of complementary technologies.

by Open Knowledge Foundation - School of Data , 2012
The Data Wrangling Handbook is a companion text to the School of Data. Its function is something like a traditional textbook -- it will provide the detail and background theory to support the School of Data courses and challenges.

by Mark Pollack, et al. - O'Reilly Media , 2012
This book shows you how Spring's data access framework can help you connect to either non-relational or relational databases. You'll learn how Spring Data's model reduces the learning curve for applications with newer data access technologies.

by Karl Seguin - , 2012
Redis represents a simplification in the way we deal with data. It peels away much of the complexity and abstraction available in other systems. The goal of this book is to build the foundation you'll need to master Redis.

by Chris Eaton, et al. - McGraw-Hill , 2012
Big Data represents a new era in data exploration and utilization, and IBM helps clients navigate this transformation. The book reveals how to use Big Data technology to deliver a robust, secure, highly available, enterprise-class Big Data platform.

by Lars George - O'Reilly Media , 2011
If you are looking for a solution to accommodate a virtually endless amount of data, this book will show you how Apache HBase can fulfill your needs. HBase scales to billions of rows and columns, while ensuring that performance remain constant.

by Karl Seguin - , 2011
MongoDB is a document-oriented database -- it should be viewed as an alternative to relational databases. This book covers a number of topics with a focus on the fundamentals you will need to get comfortably up and running.

by Alan F Gates - O'Reilly Media , 2011
Apache Pig is a platform for analyzing large data sets that consists of a high-level language for expressing data analysis programs. The structure of Pig programs is amenable to parallelization, which enables them to handle very large data sets.

by J. C. Anderson, J. Lehnardt, N. Slater - O'Reilly Media , 2010
CouchDB's creators show you how to use this document-oriented database as a standalone application framework or with high-volume, distributed applications. CouchDB is ideal for web applications that handle huge amounts of loosely structured data.

- IBM Redbooks , 2006
The book provides lots of information for developers, including code samples for creating PHP applications with DB2, Informix Dynamic Server, and Cloudscape. We use the latest PHP data access extensions including: PHP Data Objects and ibm_db2.

- Techotopia , 2008
This ebook provides a step by step path to proficiency with MySQL. Beginning with the relational database basics and the installation of MySQL, the book covers everything needed to successfully build, maintain and secure MySQL based databases.

by Allen Wyatt , 2008
Access for beginners: getting started, creating database, sorting and filtering, queries, printing, simple reports, custom forms, Web features, data relationships, importing and exporting, data security, OLE, macros, dialog boxes and menus, and more.