
General Mechanics

e-books in General Mechanics category

Book cover: Mechanics and RelativityMechanics and Relativity
by - TU Delft Open ,
The reader is taken on a tour through time and space. Starting from the basic axioms formulated by Newton and Einstein, the theory of motion at both the everyday and the highly relativistic level is developed without the need of prior knowledge.
Book cover: Introduction to Analytical MechanicsIntroduction to Analytical Mechanics
by - Macmillan ,
The present volume is intended as a brief introduction to mechanics for junior and senior students in colleges and universities. No knowledge of differential equations is presupposed, the treatment of the occurring equations being fully explained.
Book cover: The Integrals of MechanicsThe Integrals of Mechanics
by - Ginn and company ,
The matter presented is intended to form the introduction to a work on Theoretical Mechanics. The book is intended as a drill book, and the unusual elaboration of the topics, should enable the student to overcome most of his difficulties himself.

Book cover: Elements of Theoretical MechanicsElements of Theoretical Mechanics
by - The Macmillan Company ,
The book may serve to stimulate the study of theoretical mechanics in engineering schools. It is intended to furnish a sufficient basis, on the one hand for the more advanced study of the science, on the other for the study of its applications.
Book cover: Classical Mechanics: a Critical IntroductionClassical Mechanics: a Critical Introduction
by - University of Pennsylvania ,
This is an introduction to Classical Mechanics, which many students may find useful as a supplementary resource. Cohen emphasizes basic concepts, such as force and permissible frames of reference, which frequently are dealt with hastily.
Book cover: Classical MechanicsClassical Mechanics
by - The University of British Columbia ,
Contents: Linear Motion; Energy and Angular Momentum; The Principle of Least Action; Central Forces; Rotating Frames; Conservative Systems; Many-Particle Systems; Rigid Bodies; Continuum Mechanics; Small Oscillations and Perturbed Motion; etc.
Book cover: MechanicsMechanics
by - Polish Mathematical Society ,
Contents: Theory Of Vectors; Kinematics Of A Point; Dynamics Of A Material Point; Geometry Of Masses; Systems Of Material Points; Statics Of A Rigid Body; Kinematics Of A Rigid Body; Dynamics Of A Rigid Body; Principle Of Virtual Work; etc.
Book cover: Lecture Notes on Classical MechanicsLecture Notes on Classical Mechanics
by - University of California, San Diego ,
The level of these notes is appropriate for an advanced undergraduate or a first year graduate course in classical mechanics. I have included many worked examples within the notes, as well as in the final chapter, which contains solutions...
Book cover: Test Problems in Mechanics and Special RelativityTest Problems in Mechanics and Special Relativity
by - arXiv ,
These test problems were used by the author as weekly control works for the first year physics students at Novosibirsk State University in 2005. Solutions of the problems are also given. Written in Russian and English language.
Book cover: Classical MechanicsClassical Mechanics
by - University of Victoria ,
Contents: Centres of Mass; Moment of Inertia; Systems of Particles; Rigid Body Rotation; Collisions; Motion in a Resisting Medium; Projectiles; Impulsive Forces; Conservative Forces; Rocket Motion; Simple and Damped Oscillatory Motion; etc.
Book cover: Theoretical MechanicsTheoretical Mechanics
by - Ginn & Co. ,
The study of Mechanics as presented in this volume is founded upon a course in mathematics extending through the Calculus. It is assumed, moreover, that the student has already become familiar with the fundamental ideas of force, energy, and work.
Book cover: Funky Mechanics ConceptsFunky Mechanics Concepts
by - UCSD ,
The purpose is to develop an accurate physical, conceptual, geometric, and pictorial understanding of important mechanics topics, from basic principles through Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics, including rotation, oscillations, and more.
Book cover: Motion and Mass: First Steps into PhysicsMotion and Mass: First Steps into Physics
by - Learning Development Institute ,
From these simple ideas about mass and motion, and a few experiments that anyone can do, we can lay the foundations of Physics: they are expressed mathematically in the 'laws of motion', which form the starting point for the Physical Sciences.
Book cover: General MechanicsGeneral Mechanics
- Wikibooks ,
General mechanics introductory text for physics and engineering students with a background in calculus. Contents: Newton's Laws: First principles; Rotational Dynamics; Newton's Laws: A second look; Harmonic Oscillators; etc.
Book cover: A Short Course in Elementary Mechanics for EngineersA Short Course in Elementary Mechanics for Engineers
by - D. Van Nostrand Company ,
This course in Elementary Mechanics is arranged for students who have previously studied Trigonometry. The subject matter is divided into three parts, namely, Kinematics, Kinetics, and Statics. Much detailed discussion is omitted.
Book cover: Mechanics: A Textbook for EngineersMechanics: A Textbook for Engineers
by - McGraw-Hill ,
This book is intended to give a working knowledge of the principles of Mechanics and to supply a foundation upon which study of Strength of Materials, Stresses in Structures, Machine Design, and other courses of more technical nature may rest.
Book cover: Analytical Mechanics for EngineersAnalytical Mechanics for Engineers
by - J. Wiley & sons ,
This book presents those principles of mechanics that are believed to be essential for the student of engineering. Throughout the book the aim has been to make the principles of mechanics stand out clearly ; to build them up from common experience.
Book cover: Mechanics for EngineersMechanics for Engineers
by - Longmans ,
The aim of this book is to provide a suitable course in the principles of Mechanics for engineering students. More prominence than usual has been given to such parts of the subject as energy, work of forces and torques, power, and graphical statics.
Book cover: Applied Mechanics for EngineersApplied Mechanics for Engineers
by - Macmillan and co ,
The author's object in writing this book has been to provide a practical statement of the principles of Mechanics. Principles have been illustrated by numerous fully worked-out examples, and exercises for home or class work have been provided.
Book cover: Mechanics: Problems for Engineering StudentsMechanics: Problems for Engineering Students
by - J. Wiley & sons ,
The book presents many practical problems together with brief definitions and solutions of typical problems which should help the student to follow this advice: ''Learn for yourself, think for yourself, make yourself master of principles''.
Book cover: Newton's Principia : the mathematical principles of natural philosophyNewton's Principia : the mathematical principles of natural philosophy
by - Daniel Adee ,
This book is a complete volume of Newton's mathematical principles relating to natural philosophy and his system of the world. Newton, one of the most brilliant scientists and thinkers of all time, presents his theories, formulas and thoughts.
Book cover: Mechanics for BeginnersMechanics for Beginners
by - Macmillan and co ,
The work forms an elementary treatise on demonstrative mechanics. The author provides an introduction to the study of applied as well as of theoretical Mechanics. Great care was taken to assume the smallest possible knowledge of pure mathematics.
Book cover: MechanicsMechanics
by - The MacMillan Company ,
The book is adapted to the needs of a first course in Mechanics, given for sophomores, and culminating in a thorough study of the dynamics of a rigid body. Hamilton's Equations and their solution by means of Jacobi's Equation are also included.
Book cover: Classical Mechanics: An introductory courseClassical Mechanics: An introductory course
by - Lulu.com ,
A set of lecture notes for an lower-division classical mechanics course. Covered are one- and three-dimensional motion, Newton's laws, energy and momentum conservation, rotational motion, statics, planetary motion, oscillations, and wave motion.
Book cover: MechanicsMechanics
by - LightAndMatter.com ,
This is a calculus-based book meant for the first semester of the type of freshman survey course taken by engineering and physical science majors. A little relativity is interspersed with the Newtonian mechanics, in optional sections.