
Electronic Structure Theory

e-books in Electronic Structure Theory category

Book cover: Electronic Structure TheoryElectronic Structure Theory
by - Fritz Haber Institute ,
Computational Electronic Structure Theory is a field which combines theoretical physics and chemistry with computer science and math. Contents: Schroedinger Equation; Wave Function based approaches; Density Functional Theory; Green's Function Theory.
Book cover: Advanced Topics of Theoretical Physics I: The electronic structure of matterAdvanced Topics of Theoretical Physics I: The electronic structure of matter
by - TU Clausthal ,
This book provides an introduction into the quantum mechanics of the interacting electron gas. It aims at students at the graduate level, that already have a good understanding on one-particle quantum mechanics. My aim is to include all proofs ...
Book cover: Introduction to Electronic Structure MethodsIntroduction to Electronic Structure Methods
by - EPFL ,
The text introduces the basic notions of computational quantum chemistry, which allow to explore reaction mechanisms and explain observations of laboratory reactions. Methods for quantum chemistry can also be applied to solid state physics problems.

Book cover: Lecture Series in Electronic Structure TheoryLecture Series in Electronic Structure Theory
by - Georgia Tech ,
From the table of contents: Intro to Electronic Structure Theory; Integral Notation and Hartree-Fock MO Theory; Basis Sets; Configuration Interaction; Density Functional Theory; Many-body Perturbation Theory; Coupled-cluster Theory.
Book cover: Methods of Electronic Structure TheoryMethods of Electronic Structure Theory
by ,
From the table of contents: theory of the electronic ground state; screening and electrostatics; formal linear response theory; electron gas results; pseudopotential perturbation theory; ground state of periodic solids; lattice dynamics.
Book cover: Geometry and Topology in Electronic Structure TheoryGeometry and Topology in Electronic Structure Theory
by - University of Trieste ,
From the table of contents: Introduction; Early discoveries; Berry-ology (geometry in nonrelativistic quantum mechanics); Manifestations of the Berry phase; Modern theory of polarization; Quantum metric and the theory of the insulating state.
Book cover: Computational Electronic Structure TheoryComputational Electronic Structure Theory
by - Fritz Haber Institute ,
The ever growing field of Computational electronic structure theory combines theoretical physics and chemistry, math and computer science. The goal is to have a theory that accurately and reliably predicts material properties from first principles.
Book cover: Lecture Notes in Computational Chemistry: Electronic Structure TheoryLecture Notes in Computational Chemistry: Electronic Structure Theory
by - University of Zurich ,
Contents: Basic Quantum Mechanics; Basic Mathematical Review; Molecular Hamiltonian; Two-Electron Systems and Spin; Hartree-Fock Approximation; Molecular Orbital Theory; Correlation Energy; Coupled Cluster Approaches; and more.
Book cover: Molecular Electronic Structures: an introductionMolecular Electronic Structures: an introduction
by - Benjamin-Cummings Publishing Co. ,
An introduction to molecular electronic structural theory, concentrating on the description of ground state electronic structures - the principles of chemical bonding in molecules. Familiarity with differential and integral calculus is required.