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e-books in Java Programming Language category
by Benjamin Winterberg - GitBook , 2016
This tutorial guides you step by step through all new language features. Backed by short and simple code samples you'll learn how to use default interface methods, lambda expressions, method references and repeatable annotations.
by Ben Evans - O'Reilly Media , 2015
Java has flourished and is now one of the world's most important and widely-used programming environments. Benjamin Evans, the Java editor for InfoQ and author of Java in a Nutshell, 6th edition, takes us on a journey through time ...
by Klas Nilsson - Lunds Universitet , 2016
This book documents how to carry out safe, flexible, portable and free programming of embedded systems, such that the software without modifications can run on both small embedded devices as well as on standard Java platform.
by Henry Coles, et al. - GitBook , 2017
This book is an attempt to capture what good Java code looks like and the practices that help produce it. Tis document is intended for anyone, from developers writing Java for the first time through to seasoned technical leads serving multiple teams.
by Gerd Wagner, Mircea Diaconescu - , 2015
This book shows how to build back-end web applications with Java, JPA and JSF. The book comes with the complete Java source code of six example apps that you can download or run from our server. The focus are general information management concepts.
by Kiet T. Tran - Bookboon , 2013
This book focuses more on the details of a hands-on approach to Web Service programming than its specifications. In order to help readers grasp the concept, we provide a brief introduction to Web Service, SOAP, and WSDL in the first three chapters.
by James Sutherland, Doug Clarke - Wikibooks , 2012
Java persistence could be defined as storing anything to any level of persistence using the Java programming language. This book is focused on storing Java objects to relational databases, in particular using the Java Persistence API (JPA).
by Jan Newmarch - Apress , 2006
Jini grew from early work in Java to make distributed computing easier. This is the perfect book for Java programmers interested in applying Jini toward their respective network applications. Author covers comprehensive Jini advancements.
by Jim Farley - O'Reilly Media , 1998
This book is an overview of the tools and techniques that are at your disposal for building distributed computing systems in Java. It is intended to serve as both explanatory and reference material for you, the professional developer.
by Clifford A. Shaffer - Dover Publications , 2012
A comprehensive treatment focusing on the creation of efficient data structures and algorithms, explaining how to select the data structure best suited to specific problems. It uses Java programming language and is suitable for second-year courses.
by Simon Kendal - BookBoon , 2009
This book will explain the Object Oriented approach to programming and through the use of small exercises develop some practical skills. At the end of the book one larger case study will be used to illustrate the application of the techniques.
- Sun Microsystems , 2007
This guide is for software developers who would like to write and deploy P2P services and applications using JXTA technology. It provides an introduction to JXTA technology and describes the JXTA network architecture and key concepts.
by Duane A. Bailey - McGraw-Hill , 2007
This text was developed for use in a standard Computer Science curriculum. It requires a little more effort to read. The text is not a brief encounter with object-oriented data structure design, but a touchstone for one's programming future.
by Peter Sestoft - IT University of Copenhagen , 2000
This is a concise description of the Java programming language, version 1.1 and later. It is a quick reference for the reader who has already learned (or is learning) Java from a standard textbook and who wants to know the language in more detail.
by Jeff Heaton - Heaton Research, Inc. , 2007
Java allows you to program HTTP directly. These programs, which are called bots, can collect information or automate common web programming tasks. This book presents a collection of very reusable recipes for Java bot programming.
by Jeff Heaton - Heaton Research , 2011
The book is an introduction to Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence. Neural network architectures, such as the feedforward, Hopfield, and self-organizing map architectures are discussed. Training techniques are also introduced.
by David Etheridge - BookBoon , 2009
This volume is the second part of the 'Java'-series written by David Etheridge. This book gives the reader an introduction to Documentation, Abstract and Parent classes, Inheritance, Error in Java, Java Interfaces and much more.
by Brendon J. Wilson - New Riders Publishing , 2002
A guided tour of the JXTA platform, including all of the critical information required to begin producing P2P solutions built on top of JXTA. The book assumes an intermediate level of Java development knowledge, and basic knowledge of networking.
by Stephen J. Hartley , 2005
An introduction to using Java in concurrent or multithreaded applications. Topics covered are race conditions when threads share data, critical sections, mutual exclusion, semaphores, monitors, message passing, the rendezvous, etc.
by Alvin J. Alexander - , 2002
This text is a training material about the Java programming language and object-oriented programming methods. It covers OO software development, Java programming language, standard libraries, server-side programming, databases, best practices, etc.
- , 2016
Design patterns are solutions to general problems that software developers faced during software development. This tutorial will take you through step by step approach and examples using Java while learning Design Pattern concepts.
by Mark Grand - O'Reilly , 1997
The book goes into great detail about every aspect of the Java programming language, from the definition of data types to the syntax of expressions and control structures. The goal is to help you understand all of the subtle nuances of Java.
by David Flanagan - O'Reilly , 1997
This complete quick reference covers all the classes in the Java 1.1 API, with the exception of the Enterprise APIs, making it the only quick reference that a Java programmer needs. The bestselling Java book is now better than ever.
by Steve Wilson, Jeff Kesselman - Prentice Hall PTR , 2000
The authors give the experienced Java programmer strategies and tips for getting the most out of Java code. The book offers suggestions for improving programs, but it also helps you think about performance as you design and test your software.
by Tim Lindholm, Frank Yellin - Prentice Hall PTR , 1999
The complete specification for the Java Virtual Machine, the nucleus of the Java language. It is an essential reference for Java Virtual Machine implementors and compiler writers. Numerous practical examples clarify how the JVM operates in practice.
by David Schmidt - Kansas State University , 2003
Textbook for future professional programmers. They should understand how to employ three forms of structure: control structures, data structures, and component structures. The author emphasizes component structures over the other two forms.
by Dylan Walsh , 2002
This text is a basis for revising for the Sun Certified Programmer examinations, it does not to teach the Java language or the topics required for the exam. It collects all the essential information you need to retain, in one place.
by Bruno R. Preiss - Wiley , 1999
Author presents the fundamentals of data structures and algorithms from an object-oriented perspective. The text promotes object-oriented design using Java and illustrates the use of the latest object-oriented design patterns.
by Frank Cohen - Prentice Hall PTR , 2004
Highly recommended for advanced developers and IT managers. This book is an excellent guide to testing Web applications and Web services. It will benefit software developers, beginning QA techs, and the experienced coders and testers.
by Elliotte Rusty Harold - Addison-Wesley Professional , 2002
A complete guide to writing Java programs that read and write XML documents. Shows developers how to save XML documents, read XML documents, communicate with network servers that send and receive XML data, and integrate XSLT into their programs.
by Alexandre Patchine, Dr. Heinz M. Kabutz , 2005
The book contains real-world advises and solutions from daily Java experiences. It covers most seeked Java topics and some other related ones. Although not a Java tutorial itself, it makes an excellent companion for a good Java textbook.
by Bruce Tate - O'Reilly Media, Inc. , 2005
Bruce Tate describes the characteristics of alternative languages, likely successors to Java. The book will teach you a few new languages and help you start building new skills, or you can use the introduced techniques to improve your work in Java.
by Gary McGraw, Edward W. Felten - Wiley , 1999
Securing Java is the book on mobile code and security, it includes many things the authors discovered while working on real-world systems with businesses and government agencies. The book should appeal to experts and beginners alike.
by James Gosling, Bill Joy, Guy Steele, Gilad Bracha - Prentice Hall PTR , 2005
Written by the inventors of the technology, this book provides complete, accurate, and detailed coverage of the Java programming language. If you want to know the precise meaning of the language's constructs, this is the source for you.
by Mark Watson - , 2008
The book uses the author's libraries and the best of open source software to introduce AI (Artificial Intelligence) technologies like neural networks, genetic algorithms, expert systems, machine learning, and NLP (natural language processing).