e-books in Econometrics category
by Thomas J. Sargent, John Stachurski - QuantEcon , 2017
This website presents a series of lectures on quantitative economic modeling. From the table of contents: Data and Empirics; Tools and Techniques; Dynamic Programming; Multiple Agent Models; Time Series Models; Dynamic Programming Squared.
by Second Bwanakare - De Gruyter Open , 2017
The book provides a new, non-extensive entropy econometrics approach to the economic modelling of ill-behaved inverse problems. Particular attention is paid to national account-based general equilibrium models known for their relative complexity.
by Jason D. Hartline , 2016
The text presents the classical theory of economic mechanism design and introduces a new theory of approximation for mechanism design. A central theme will be the tradeoff between optimality and other desirable properties such as simplicity, etc.
by Eliecer E. Vargas, et al. - Regional Research Institute, WVU , 1999
CGE framework encompasses both the I-O and SAM frameworks by making demand and supply of commodities and factors dependent on prices. A CGE model simulates the working of a market economy in which prices and quantities adjust to clear all markets.
by William H. Miernyk - Random House Inc , 1965
This volume is designed to give the reader an understanding of how the input-output system works; it is not a guide to the construction of an interindustry transactions table. Most of this book deals with a static, open input-output model.
by James P. LeSage - University of Toledo , 1998
This text provides an introduction to spatial econometrics as well as a set of MATLAB functions that implement a host of spatial econometric estimation methods. The intended audience is faculty and students involved in modeling spatial data sets.
by Kevin Sheppard , 2012
Python is a widely used general purpose programming language, which happens to be well suited to Econometrics and other more general purpose data analysis tasks. These notes provide an introduction to Python for a beginning programmer.
by Thomas J. Rothenberg - Yale University Press , 1973
This book presents an attempt at unifying certain aspects of econometric theory by embedding them in a more general statistical framework. The unifying feature is the use of a priori information and the basic tool is the Cramer-Rao inequality.
by Herbert Scarf - Yale University Press , 1973
Contents: Problem of Computing Equilibrium Prices; Determination of an Approximate Fixed Point of Continuous Mapping; Numerical Applications of Brouwer's Theorem; An Extension of the Algorithm; Computation of Equilibria in a General Walrasian Model.
by Jerome Stein - Springer , 2012
Stochastic Optimal Control (SOC) is very helpful in understanding and predicting debt crises. The mathematical analysis is applied empirically to the financial debt crisis of 2008, the crises of the 1980s and the European debt crisis.
by William C. Hood, Tjalling C. Koopmans - J. Wiley and Sons , 1953
Econometrics is a branch of economics in which economic theory and statistical methods are fused in the analysis of numerical data. The studies in this volume discuss in an expository style some problems of statistical method in econometrics.
by Harold T. Davis - The Principia Press , 1941
The object of this book is to set forth the present status of the problem of analyzing that very extensive set of data known as economic time series. This perplexing problem has engaged the attention of economists and statisticians for many years.
by Tjalling C. Koopmans - John Wiley & Sons , 1950
Quantitative economic study has a threefold basis: it is necessary to formulate economic hypotheses, to collect appropriate data, and to confront hypotheses with data. The latter task, statistical inference in economics, is discussed in this book.
by Charles Frederick Roos - Principia Press , 1934
Contents: Static Versus Dynamic Economics; Demand for Consumer Goods; Automotive Demand for Gasoline; Demand for Agricultural Products; Demand for Capital Goods; Factors Influencing Residential Building; Growth and Decline of Industry; etc.
by Miroslav Verbič - InTech , 2011
This book provides recent insight on some key issues in econometric theory and applications. It focuses on three recent advances in econometric theory: non-parametric estimation, instrument generating functions, and seasonal volatility models.
by Tom Domencich, Daniel L. McFadden - North-Holland Publishing , 1975
'Urban Travel Demand' develops a theory of demand for populations of individual economic consumers which we believe is a logical and natural generalization of traditional theory to encompass choice among discrete alternatives.
by Daniel McFadden, Antti Talvitie, and Associates - University of California , 1977
From the table of contents: Theory and Estimation of Behavioral Travel Demand Models; Development, Testing, and Validaton of a Work-Trip Mode-Choice Model; Modeling Choices Other than Work-Trip; Issues in Demand Modeling and Forecasting.
by Kenneth Train - The MIT Press , 1993
This book is a comprehensive but concise text that covers the recently developed and widely applicable methods of qualitative choice analysis, illustrating the general theory through simulation models of automobile demand and use.
by Melvyn Fuss, Daniel L. McFadden - North-Holland , 1978
Chapters: Cost, Revenue, and Profit Functions; Symmetric Duality and Polar Production Functions; Applications of Profit Functions; General Linear Profit Function; Duality, Intermediate Inputs and Value-Added; Hick's Aggregation Theorem; etc.
by Kenneth Train - The MIT Press , 1991
Optimal Regulation addresses the central issue of regulatory economics -- how to regulate firms in a way that induces them to produce and price 'optimally'. It synthesis an extensive theoretical literature on what constitutes optimality.
by Charles F. Manski - Chapman and Hall , 1988
This book presents familiar elements of estimation theory from an analog perspective. It discusses recent developments in the theory of analog estimation and presents new results that offer flexibility in empirical research.
by Roman Kozhan - BookBoon , 2009
This is a step-by-step guide to financial econometrics using EViews 6.0 statistical package. It contains brief overviews of econometric concepts, models and data analysis techniques followed by examples of how they can be implemented in EViews.
by Thomas Andren - BookBoon , 2007
This book covers the most basic concepts in econometrics. Subjects as basic probability and statistics, statistical inference with the simple and multiple regression model, dummy variables and auto correlation are explained.
by Bruce E. Hansen - University of Wisconsin , 2014
Econometrics is the study of estimation and inference for economic models using economic data. Econometric theory concerns the study of tools and methods for applied econometric applications. This is a first-year Ph.D. econometrics textbook.
by Daniel McFadden - University of California, Berkeley , 2001
The contents: Economic Analysis and Econometrics; Analysis and Linear Algebra in a Nutshell; Probability Theory in a Nutshell; Limit Theorems in Statistics; Experiments, Sampling, and Statistical Decisions; Estimation; Hypothesis Testing.
by Kenneth Train - Cambridge University Press , 2003
The book describes the new generation of discrete choice methods, focusing on the advances that are made possible by simulation. Researchers use these methods to examine the choices that consumers, households, firms, and other agents make.
by Wolfgang Härdle - Cambridge University Press , 1992
Nonparametric regression analysis has become central to economic theory. Hardle, by writing the first comprehensive and accessible book on the subject, contributed enormously to making nonparametric regression equally central to econometric practice.
by Charles F. Manski, Daniel McFadden - The MIT Press , 1981
The book provides a methodological foundation for the analysis of economic problems involving discrete data, and charts the current frontiers of this subject. It is also useful for the researchers involved in the structural analysis of discrete data.
by Michael Creel - Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona , 2014
Textbook for graduate econometrics, it teaches ordinary least squares, maximum likelihood estimation, restrictions and hypothesis test, stochastic regressors, exogeneity and simultaneity, numeric optimization methods, method of moments, etc.