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e-books in Pediatrics category

Book cover: Anxiety in ChildrenAnxiety in Children
by - Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality ,
Objectives: To evaluate the comparative effectiveness and safety of treatments for childhood anxiety disorders, including panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, specific phobias, generalized anxiety disorder, and separation anxiety.
Book cover: Paediatric NutritionPaediatric Nutrition
by - MDPI AG ,
Some of the immediate needs to be answered are to define the interactions and outcomes of nutrient levels with future health and disease beyond childhood, epigenetics and nutrients, interactions of nutrients with the human microbiome, etc.
Book cover: Pediatric Integrative Medicine: An Emerging Field of PediatricsPediatric Integrative Medicine: An Emerging Field of Pediatrics
by - MDPI AG ,
Increase in the prevalence of disease and illness has dramatically altered the landscape of pediatrics. Patient demand and shifting pediatric illness patterns have accelerated research in the field of pediatric integrative medicine.

Book cover: Infant Feeding in Areas of Zika Virus TransmissionInfant Feeding in Areas of Zika Virus Transmission
- World Health Organization ,
Based on the available evidence, which suggests that the benefits of breastfeeding for the infant and mother outweigh any risk of Zika virus transmission through breast milk, WHO has issued guidance on breastfeeding in the context of Zika virus.
Book cover: Obesity in the Early Childhood YearsObesity in the Early Childhood Years
- National Academies Press ,
Among the many troubling aspects of the rising prevalence of obesity in recent years, the growth of early childhood overweight stands out. This volume explores what is known about innovative interventions to counter obesity in young children.
Book cover: Guideline: Daily Iron Supplementation in Infants and ChildrenGuideline: Daily Iron Supplementation in Infants and Children
- World Health Organization ,
This guideline provides recommendations on daily iron supplementation in infants and children, as a public-health intervention for the prevention of anaemia and iron deficiency. It includes recommendations for countries where malaria is prevalent.
Book cover: Child Injury PreventionChild Injury Prevention
by - MDPI AG Basel ,
Injuries are among the leading causes of child morbidity and mortality worldwide. Because injuries typically are incurred by healthy children engaging in daily activities, they can be particularly devastating to the injured child and his family.
Book cover: Depression in Children and Young PeopleDepression in Children and Young People
- British Psychological Society ,
The guideline has been developed to advise on the identification and management of depression in children and young people in primary, community and secondary care. The guidelines are developed by a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals.
Book cover: Growing Up Tobacco Free: Preventing Nicotine Addiction in Children and YouthsGrowing Up Tobacco Free: Preventing Nicotine Addiction in Children and Youths
by - National Academies Press ,
This volume provides a readable explanation of nicotine's effects and the process of addiction, and documents the search for an effective approach to preventing the use of cigarettes, chewing and spitting tobacco, and snuff by children and youths.
Book cover: The Developmental Psychology of PsychopathologyThe Developmental Psychology of Psychopathology
by - Narcissus Publications ,
Psychopathology as the outcome of problems in early childhood development. Contents: Brain and Personality; Psychosexual Stages of Development; Gender and Personality Disorders; The Genetic Roots of Personality Disorders; Defense Mechanisms; etc.
Book cover: Pocket Book of Hospital Care for ChildrenPocket Book of Hospital Care for Children
- World Health Organization ,
This pocket book is for use by doctors, senior nurses and other senior health workers who are responsible for the care of young children at the first referral level in developing countries. It presents up-to-date clinical guidelines...
Book cover: Infant and Young Child FeedingInfant and Young Child Feeding
- World Health Organization ,
This book brings together essential knowledge about infant and young child feeding that health professionals should acquire as part of their basic education. It focuses on nutritional needs and feeding practices in children less than two years old.
Book cover: Migraine in Children: Preventive Pharmacologic TreatmentsMigraine in Children: Preventive Pharmacologic Treatments
by - Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality ,
We reviewed original studies that examined episodic or chronic migraine and rates of complete cessation or reduction of monthly migraine frequency, reduction in migraine-related disability, and improvement in quality of life with off-label drugs.
Book cover: Babies A to ZBabies A to Z
by - Medwords ,
A simple guide to babies, their problems, rearing, management, diseases, vaccinations, training and feeding up to two years of age. Despite its small size the book is comprehensive and includes the anatomy, symptoms, investigation, diseases, etc.
Book cover: Bacterial Meningitis and Meningococcal SepticaemiaBacterial Meningitis and Meningococcal Septicaemia
- RCOG Press ,
This guideline covers bacterial meningitis and meningococcal septicaemia, focusing on management of these conditions in children and young people in primary and secondary care, and using evidence of direct relevance to these age groups.
Book cover: Childhood ObesityChildhood Obesity
by - InTech ,
Obesity is an illness that occurs due to a combination of genetic, environmental, psychosocial, metabolic and hormonal factors. This book aims to provide readers with a general as well as an advanced overview of the key trends in childhood obesity.
Book cover: Nocturnal EnuresisNocturnal Enuresis
- National Clinical Guideline Centre ,
This clinical guideline aims to provide advice on the assessment and management of children and young people with bedwetting. The guidance is applicable to children and young people up to 19 years with the symptom of bedwetting.
Book cover: Fractures In ChildrenFractures In Children
by - Williams & Wilkins Company ,
Covers injuries and fractures to the head/skull, the shoulder girdle, the upper extremity, the lower extremity, the spine, the face, compound fractures, and pathologic fractures. The text is first presented, followed by the pictures.
Book cover: A Textbook Of Pediatric OrthopaedicsA Textbook Of Pediatric Orthopaedics
by - WB Saunders Company ,
A clear, concise approach to a small but important subspecialty which is an essential component of orthopaedic surgical training and final examinations. Aimed also at the practicing orthopaedic surgeon needing access to basic paediatric information.
Book cover: Paediatric Surgery: A Comprehensive Text For AfricaPaediatric Surgery: A Comprehensive Text For Africa
by - Global HELP ,
This is an essential resource for those in Africa where there has been a lack of appropriate and affordable medical material. This is a book written by doctors who live or work in Africa and for African surgeons and patients alike.
Book cover: Arthrogryposis: A Text AtlasArthrogryposis: A Text Atlas
by - Cambridge University Press ,
The term Arthrogryposis describes a range of congenital contractures that lead to childhood deformities. The book provides health care professionals and affected individuals with a helpful guide to better understand the condition and its therapy.
Book cover: The HELP Guide To Cerebral PalsyThe HELP Guide To Cerebral Palsy
by - Global HELP ,
Cerebral Palsy is common throughout the world and no affordable management guide is currently available. This authoritative, comprehensive and engaging publication provides an overview of the diagnosis and management of Cerebral Palsy.
Book cover: Postnatal Care: Routine Postnatal Care of Women and Their BabiesPostnatal Care: Routine Postnatal Care of Women and Their Babies
by - Royal College of General Practitioners ,
This guideline has been written within a conceptual framework which places the woman and her baby at the centre of care, appreciating that all postnatal care should be delivered in partnership with the woman and should be individualised.
Book cover: Atopic Eczema in ChildrenAtopic Eczema in Children
- RCOG Press ,
Atopic eczema is a chronic inflammatory itchy skin condition that develops in early childhood in the majority of cases. It is typically an episodic disease of exacerbation and remissions, except for severe cases where it may be continuous.
Book cover: Feverish Illness in ChildrenFeverish Illness in Children
- RCOG Press ,
This guideline has been designed for the assessment and initial management of children aged up to 5 years who present to health services with a feverish illness. The guideline also includes suggested advice that can be given to parents and carers.
Book cover: Iowa Neonatology HandbookIowa Neonatology Handbook
by - The University of Iowa ,
A complete neonatology handbook. From the table of contents: General; Temperature; Jaundice; Pulmonary; Neurology; Metabolic; Fluid Management; Feeding; Infection; Hematology; Pharmacology; Procedures; Abbreviations Commonly Used in the Nursery.
Book cover: Urinary Tract Infection in ChildrenUrinary Tract Infection in Children
- RCOG Press ,
UTI is a common bacterial infection causing illness in children. The aim of the book is to lead to more consistent clinical practice by considering the importance of accurate diagnosis and the effectiveness of subsequent investigations and treatment.
Book cover: Text-Book of PediatricsText-Book of Pediatrics
by - J.B. Lippincott Company ,
The book covers the entire field of pediatrics as completely as more bulky volumes. The discussions of the individual disease conditions are absolutely dependable and the measures advised are in line with the most recent accepted usage [1922].
Book cover: Case Based PediatricsCase Based Pediatrics
by - University of Hawaii ,
Introductory pediatrics textbook which covers office primary care, nutrition, neonatology, genetics, allergy, infectious disease, cardiology, pulmonology, gastroenterology, surgery, hematology, oncology, urology, endocrinology, rheumatology, etc.
Book cover: Paediapaedia: An Imaging Encyclopedia of Pediatric DiseasePaediapaedia: An Imaging Encyclopedia of Pediatric Disease
by - Virtual Pediatric Hospital ,
The book is meant to be a handbook of pediatric radiology. It is aimed at the radiology resident learning pediatric radiology for the first time, the pediatric radiology fellow mastering pediatric radiology, and for the general radiologist.
Book cover: Teen Common Questions Quick AnswersTeen Common Questions Quick Answers
by - Virtual Pediatric Hospital ,
This online book should help teens and their parents respond to typical diseases and health issues experienced by teens. Your questions are likely to be found among the questions answered by University of Iowa Health Care pediatricians.
Book cover: Pediatric Common Questions Quick AnswersPediatric Common Questions Quick Answers
by - Virtual Pediatric Hospital ,
Pediatricians have written this online book as a means to help parents respond to typical childhood diseases and health issues. Your questions are likely to be found among the questions answered by University of Iowa Health Care pediatricians.
Book cover: Diseases of Children in the Subtropics and TropicsDiseases of Children in the Subtropics and Tropics
by - Hodder Arnold ,
A review of the diseases of children encountered in the tropics, together with their diagnosis and treatment. The book aims to be a readable specialized reference source appropriate to the care of children in well-equipped hospitals.