

e-books in Medicine category

Book cover: Attributing Excellence in Medicine: The History of the Nobel PrizeAttributing Excellence in Medicine: The History of the Nobel Prize
by - Brill ,
The book discusses the aura around the prestigious Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. It analyzes the social processes and factors leading to recognition and reputation. It will help the reader to understand the attribution of excellence...
Book cover: Pathological Bodies: Medicine and Political CulturePathological Bodies: Medicine and Political Culture
by - University of California Press ,
This book explores the connections between medicine and political culture that often have been overlooked. In response to the French revolution, political propagandists adopted a scientific vocabulary and medical images for their own purposes.

Book cover: Innovative Medicine: Basic Research and DevelopmentInnovative Medicine: Basic Research and Development
by - Springer ,
This book helps to understand innovative medicine and to make progress in its realization. The book covers 1) basic research for innovative medicine, 2) translational research for innovative medicine, and 3) new technology for innovative medicine.
Book cover: Integrated Care for Older PeopleIntegrated Care for Older People
- World Health Organization ,
The provision of integrated care is key for older people. These Guidelines (ICOPE) propose evidence-based recommendations for health care professionals to prevent, slow or reverse declines in the physical and mental capacities of older people.
Book cover: Emerging Technologies to Promote and Evaluate Physical ActivityEmerging Technologies to Promote and Evaluate Physical Activity
by - Frontiers Media SA ,
Increasingly, efforts to promote and measure physical activity are achieving greater precision by incorporating emerging technologies. More precise measurement will enable more effective targeting of particular behavior settings.
Book cover: Treatise of Implant DentistryTreatise of Implant Dentistry
by - Carimate ,
This book has been written to do justice to all those who contributed to the evolution of implant dentistry, from its origins to the present day. We will provide useful information, also offering opinions, reservations and recommendations.
Book cover: Fitness MedicineFitness Medicine
by - InTech ,
Although fitness and health have similar properties, they are two very different concepts. While health refers to the absence of diseases, fitness refers to the degree of body functioning and the ability of the body to handle physical demands.
Book cover: The Edinburgh Companion to the Critical Medical HumanitiesThe Edinburgh Companion to the Critical Medical Humanities
by - Edinburgh University Press ,
This volume comprehensively introduces the ways in which interdisciplinary thinking across the humanities and social sciences might contribute to, critique and develop medical understanding of the human individually and collectively.
Book cover: Hip Fracture Outcomes in People Age 50 and OverHip Fracture Outcomes in People Age 50 and Over
- U.S. Government Printing Office ,
During a few short weeks, four persons residing in adjoining towns and villages upon the coast of Suffolk had mysteriously disappeared from their homes, leaving no traces behind them. The local authorities were disinclined to move in the matter ...
Book cover: Health Effects of ElectromagnetismHealth Effects of Electromagnetism
by - McGill University ,
From the table of contents: Electric Power Systems - Description of Electric Power Networks; Electrical Safety; Electromagnetism and Biology; Health Effects of Extra-Low Frequency Radiation; Health Effects of Radio-Frequencies and Microwaves.
Book cover: The Making of British BioethicsThe Making of British Bioethics
by - Manchester University Press ,
This book draws on a wide range of sources to detail how and why bioethics became so influential in Britain, including the archives of government departments, public inquiries, universities and professional organisations, as well as private papers.
Book cover: TelemedicineTelemedicine
by - InTech ,
Telemedicine is the use of telecommunication and information technologies in order to provide clinical health care at a distance. This volume is related to Mental health, Internal Medicine, Ophthalmology, and telemedicine delivery platforms.
Book cover: GNU HealthGNU Health
by - Wikibooks ,
This book is about GNU Health, the Free Health and Hospital information System. GNU Health is a philosophy. It's putting Free Software as a public good, and as an integral part of Public Health. It's about equity, community work and solidarity.
Book cover: Treatments for Seasonal Allergic RhinitisTreatments for Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis
by - Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality ,
This review compared the effectiveness and common adverse events of medication classes used to treat seasonal allergic rhinitis in adolescents and adults, and in children. Two independent reviewers performed study selection and data abstraction.
Book cover: Regenerative Medicine and Tissue EngineeringRegenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering
by - InTech ,
The book covers stem cells, cell culture, polymer synthesis, novel biomaterials, drug delivery, therapeutics, and the creation of tissues and organs. It will serve as a reference for graduate students, post-docs, teachers, and physicians.
Book cover: SexologySexology
by - Scientific-Spiritual Ecological Center ,
This book contains a description of mechanisms and regularities of the development of the reproduction system of human beings, including embryonic period, childhood and adolescence. It also describes the mechanisms of forming of homosexuality.
Book cover: Men's Business A to ZMen's Business A to Z
by - Medwords ,
This book is a simple guide to the genital and urinary systems of men their anatomy, symptoms, investigation, diseases, management, function and physiology. Despite its size it is comprehensive and includes all relevant information for the topic.
Book cover: Human Dignity and BioethicsHuman Dignity and Bioethics
by ,
Human dignity -- is it a useful concept in bioethics, one that sheds important light on the whole range of bioethical issues, from embryo research and assisted reproduction, to biomedical enhancement, to care of the disabled and the dying?
Book cover: EthnomedicineEthnomedicine
- Wikibooks ,
Ethnomedicine is a sub-field of medical anthropology and deals with the study of traditional medicines: not only those that have relevant written sources, but also those, whose knowledge and practices have been orally transmitted over the centuries.
Book cover: OtolaryngologyOtolaryngology
by - InTech ,
This book incorporates new developments, as well as future perspectives in otolaryngology. Otolaryngologists, researches, specialists, trainees, and general practitioners with interest in otolaryngology will find the book interesting and useful.
Book cover: The Management of Hip Fracture in AdultsThe Management of Hip Fracture in Adults
- National Clinical Guideline Centre ,
Although hip fracture is predominantly a phenomenon of later life, it may occur at any age in people with osteoporosis or osteopenia, and this guidance is applicable to adults across the age spectrum, including the needs of younger patients.
Book cover: When I'm 64When I'm 64
by - National Academies Press ,
Examines how individual and social behavior play a role in understanding diverse outcomes in old age. It also explores the implications of an aging workforce on the economy. A useful resource for policymakers, researchers and medical professionals.
Book cover: Tracheal Stenosis: Diagnosis and TreatmentTracheal Stenosis: Diagnosis and Treatment
by ,
The determination of the extent of stenosis and any associated pathological lesions is critical in the design of a proper treatment. The aim of this guide is to compile a working protocol for the diagnosis and management of these complex cases.
Book cover: No More Aching BackNo More Aching Back
by - Villard Books ,
Dr. Root explains how a back examination is conducted and what tests a doctor performs to determine the cause of your back pain. He describes the structure of the back, how it functions, and how these functions can break down in an unhealthy back.
Book cover: Finger PrintsFinger Prints
by - Macmillan and Co. ,
The book discusses the evidence validating fingerprints as a means of personal identification, permanence of the fingerprint characteristics, uniqueness of an assemblage of ridge details, the variability and classifiable nature of patterns, etc.
Book cover: Dental Recall: Recall Interval Between Routine Dental ExaminationsDental Recall: Recall Interval Between Routine Dental Examinations
- National Collaborating Centre for Acute Care ,
The guideline includes recommendations for patients of all ages and covers primary care received from NHS dental staff (dentists, independent contractors contracting within the NHS, dental hygienists and therapists) practising in England and Wales.
Book cover: Embryonic Stem CellsEmbryonic Stem Cells
by - InTech ,
Pluripotent stem cells have the potential to revolutionize medicine, providing treatment for diseases that currently lack therapies. This book describes recent advances in the generation of tissue specific cell types for regenerative applications.
Book cover: GP NotebookGP Notebook
by - Oxbridge Solutions ,
GPnotebook is an online encyclopaedia of medicine that provides a trusted immediate reference resource for clinicians in the UK and internationally. Fast and reliable, many doctors use GPnotebook during the consultation.
Book cover: Degeneracy: Its Causes, Signs and ResultsDegeneracy: Its Causes, Signs and Results
by - Walter Scott, Ltd. ,
The present work is the result of twenty years' labour in a limited medical department of biology. It attempts to lay down general principles for practical purposes in a way that permits their application to the solution of sociologic problems.
Book cover: Anomalies and Curiosities of MedicineAnomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
by - W. B. Saunders ,
A book written in 1896, cataloging the true and the apocryphal from medical literature going as far back as ancient Rome. Some of this stuff is very definitely false, some is definitely true; and most of the stuff in between is hard to believe.
Book cover: The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain EnglishThe People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English
by - World's Dispensary ,
An extensive dissertation on Physiology, Hygiene, Temperaments, Diseases and Domestic Remedies. It is for the welfare of every person to understand the means for the preservation of health. This edition was published in 1895.