
Applied Mechanics

e-books in Applied Mechanics category

Book cover: Machine Shop WorkMachine Shop Work
by - American technical society ,
The 'Machine Shop Work' is a comprehensive manual of approved shop methods, including the construction and use of tools and machines, the details of their efficient operation, and a discussion of modern production methods.
Book cover: Fundamentals of Machine ToolsFundamentals of Machine Tools
- U. S. Government Printing Office ,
The purpose of this training circular is to provide a better understanding of power-driven machine tools. One of the objectives is for this publication is to be clear and understandable. Illustrations show the step-by-step process of many operations.
Book cover: Machinery RepairmanMachinery Repairman
by - Naval Education and Training Program ,
This Training Manual and Nonresident Training Course form a package to teach the theoretical knowledge needed by a Machinery Repairman. This package may be combined with on-the-job training to provide the necessary elements of practical experience.

Book cover: Mechanisms / MachinesMechanisms / Machines
by - Delmar Publishers ,
This material presents the topic of modern machines. It combines the elements of mechanical theory, drafting skills and practical applications. Topics treated: graphical analysis of machines in the areas of velocity and acceleration polygons, etc.
Book cover: Mechanisms / DrivesMechanisms / Drives
by - Delmar Publishers ,
An introductory treatment of modern mechanical drives. The topics treated include: various gear drive configurations employing spur, bevel, helical gears, belt drives of several types, chain drives, friction drives, and some selected special topics.
Book cover: Mechanics of EngineeringMechanics of Engineering
by - John Wiley & Sons ,
Comprising statics and dynamics of solids, the mechanics of the materials of construction or strength and elasticity of beams, columns, shafts, arches, the principles of hydraulics and pneumatics with applications. For the use of technical schools.
Book cover: Applied MechanicsApplied Mechanics
by ,
This textbook on Applied Mechanics is intended for use in the undergraduate courses in Mechanics in engineering schools. The author develops the basic principles of the subject in a way which the average student could easily follow.
Book cover: Applied Mechanics and Strength of MaterialsApplied Mechanics and Strength of Materials
by - International TextBook Company ,
The book is written in the simplest language possible, so as to make it readily understood by all students. Necessary technical expressions are clearly explained when introduced. Practical and accurate information is given in clear and concise form.
Book cover: A Short Course in Elementary Mechanics for EngineersA Short Course in Elementary Mechanics for Engineers
by - D. Van Nostrand Company ,
This course in Elementary Mechanics is arranged for students who have previously studied Trigonometry. The subject matter is divided into three parts, namely, Kinematics, Kinetics, and Statics. Much detailed discussion is omitted.
Book cover: Elementary Dynamics: a textbook for engineersElementary Dynamics: a textbook for engineers
by - Cambridge University Press ,
The book presents the principles of elementary dynamics, and explains the meaning of the physical quantities involved, partly by definition and description, but mainly by worked examples in which formulae have been avoided as far as possible.
Book cover: Mechanics: A Textbook for EngineersMechanics: A Textbook for Engineers
by - McGraw-Hill ,
This book is intended to give a working knowledge of the principles of Mechanics and to supply a foundation upon which study of Strength of Materials, Stresses in Structures, Machine Design, and other courses of more technical nature may rest.
Book cover: Analytical Mechanics for EngineersAnalytical Mechanics for Engineers
by - J. Wiley & sons ,
This book presents those principles of mechanics that are believed to be essential for the student of engineering. Throughout the book the aim has been to make the principles of mechanics stand out clearly ; to build them up from common experience.
Book cover: Mechanics for EngineersMechanics for Engineers
by - Longmans ,
The aim of this book is to provide a suitable course in the principles of Mechanics for engineering students. More prominence than usual has been given to such parts of the subject as energy, work of forces and torques, power, and graphical statics.
Book cover: Applied Mechanics for EngineersApplied Mechanics for Engineers
by - Macmillan and co ,
The author's object in writing this book has been to provide a practical statement of the principles of Mechanics. Principles have been illustrated by numerous fully worked-out examples, and exercises for home or class work have been provided.
Book cover: Mechanics Applied to EngineeringMechanics Applied to Engineering
by - Longmans, Green, and Co. ,
This book has been written especially for Engineers and Students who already possess a fair knowledge of Elementary Mathematics and Theoretical Mechanics ; it is intended to assist them to apply their knowledge to practical engineering problems.
Book cover: Applied GyrodynamicsApplied Gyrodynamics
by - John Wiley & Sons ,
A rigorous theoretical and mathematical description of the motion of spinning bodies and practical applications where their gyroscopic properties are used. The book goes into great detail on the theory, design and implementation of applications.
Book cover: Applied MechanicsApplied Mechanics
by - J. Wiley ,
The work is a treatise on strength and stability, a number of subjects usually included in treatises on applied mechanics are omitted. It is primarily a text-book, the different subjects are presented in the best way for the progress of the class.
Book cover: Mechanics: Problems for Engineering StudentsMechanics: Problems for Engineering Students
by - J. Wiley & sons ,
The book presents many practical problems together with brief definitions and solutions of typical problems which should help the student to follow this advice: ''Learn for yourself, think for yourself, make yourself master of principles''.
Book cover: Applied Mechanics for BeginnersApplied Mechanics for Beginners
by - Macmillan and co ,
In the preparation of this little book, the object has been to provide students of engineering and allied constructive arts with a practical statement of the principles of Mechanics essential to an intelligent interest in their occupations.
Book cover: Kinematics and Kinetics of MachineryKinematics and Kinetics of Machinery
by - John Wiley & Sons ,
It is hoped that this volume will fill a need in the curricula of our engineering schools, in that it gives systematic methods of determining velocities, accelerations, and inertia forces which can be applied to practically all mechanisms.
Book cover: Introduction to Statics and DynamicsIntroduction to Statics and Dynamics
by - Cornell University ,
This is an engineering statics and dynamics text intended as both an introduction and as a reference. The book emphasizes use of vectors, free-body diagrams, momentum and energy balance and computation. Intuitive approaches are discussed throughout.
Book cover: Roller Coaster PhysicsRoller Coaster Physics
by ,
This text discusses some of the principles involved in the design of a roller coaster. It is intended for the middle or high school teacher, and physics students. Many of the concepts can be applied to topics other than roller coasters.
Book cover: Dynamics of Mechanical SystemsDynamics of Mechanical Systems
by ,
This text provides the students with the theoretical background of the three dimensional mechanics of rigid body and its applications. This part of mechanics is presented in three parts: Modelling, Analysis and Experimental Investigations.
Book cover: Mechanics of Rigid BodyMechanics of Rigid Body
by ,
The purpose of this text is to provide the students with the theoretical background and engineering applications of the three dimensional mechanics of a rigid body. Covered are three-dimensional kinematics and kinetics of particles and rigid bodies.
Book cover: MIT Guide to Lock PickingMIT Guide to Lock Picking
by ,
The text presents the basics about locks and lock picking, a set of exercises that will help you learn the skills of lock picking, a catalog of the mechanical traits and defects found in locks and the techniques used to recognize and exploit them.
Book cover: Applied Mechanics DynamicsApplied Mechanics Dynamics
by - California Institute of Technology ,
Textbook for engineering students who wish to prepare for more advanced studies of dynamics. The emphasis is on particle and rigid-body dynamics. The book shows how the classical mechanics methods are applied to the various branches of engineering.
Book cover: Introduction to Continuum Mechanics for EngineersIntroduction to Continuum Mechanics for Engineers
by - Springer ,
This textbook is an introduction to the essentials of modern Continuum Mechanics for engineering graduate students. The book is self contained and suitable for self study. It establishes certain classical continuum models within a modern framework.