e-books in Medicine: Reference category

by Lawrence Davis - Open Oregon Educational Resources , 2018
The book sticks to the basic functioning of the human body, from motion to metabolism, as a common theme through which the fundamental physics topics are introduced. It is designed to meet the objectives of a high school or freshman level course.

by Karsten König - De Gruyter Open , 2018
This monograph demonstrates the latest developments in two-photon fluorescence microscopy and second-harmonic generation microscopy. A special focus lies on clinical applications, e.g. in dermatology, ophtalmology, neuro sciences and cell biology.

by Enrico Capobianco, Pietro Lio (eds) - Frontiers Research Topic , 2014
Systems Biomedicine is a field in perpetual development. It emphasizes the role of quantitative systems approaches in biomedicine and aims to offer solutions to many emerging problems characterized by types of complexity and uncertainty unmet before.

by Fred Trotter, David Uhlman - O'Reilly Media , 2010
Meaningful Use underlies a program for medical offices and hospitals that pays doctors and clinicians to move to fully electronic health records. This book is a rosetta stone for the IT implementer that teaches you to use electronic health records.

by Kenji Suzuki - InTech , 2011
The purpose of this book is to provide recent advances of artificial neural networks in biomedical applications. The target audience includes professors and students in engineering and medical schools, medical doctors, healthcare professionals, etc.

by Graham Basten - BookBoon , 2010
This book presents a concise introduction to the undergraduate scientific research project, primarily aimed at undergraduate students reading medicine, nursing and midwifery and subjects allied to health such as Biomedical Science.

by James Blake Bailey - Swan Sonnenschein & Co. , 1896
The complaint as to the scarcity of bodies for dissection is as old as the history of anatomy itself. Great respect for the body of the dead has characterized mankind in nearly all ages; post mortem dissection was looked upon as a great indignity.

- U.S. National Library of Medicine , 2009
Medicine in the Americas is a digital library project providing scanned historical American medical books in pdf and as text files. The project is aimed at the general public, with special emphasis on historians, students, clinicians, and librarians.

by Ronda G. Hughes - AHRQ , 2008
Discussions of a wide range of issues regarding patient safety and quality health care. This book provides some insight into the multiple factors that determine the quality and safety of health care as well as patient, nurse, and systems outcomes.

- faqs.org , 2009
Medical information about the body and health, diseases, diagnostic procedures, emotional and mental disorders, environment and health, drugs, medical emergencies, the skeleton, the muscles, skin, hair, and nails, the nervous system, and more.

- faqs.org , 2009
This comprehensive and free on-line health encyclopedia answers and explains the consequences of both unhealthy and healthy life styles and habits and teaches the causes, symptoms, and treatments of various health conditions.

by Sashi S Kommu - InTech , 2007
The coupling of several areas of the medical field with recent advances in robotic systems has seen a paradigm shift in our approach to selected sectors of medical care, especially over the last decade. Rehabilitation medicine is one such area.

by Joseph P. Hornak - Interactive Learning Software , 2008
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an imaging technique used primarily in medical settings to produce high quality images of the inside of the human body. This text presents a comprehensive picture of the basic principles of MRI.

by Troyen Brennan - University of California Press , 1991
Just Doctoring draws the doctor-patient relationship out of the consulting room and into the middle of the legal and political arenas where it more and more frequently appears. An important and exciting book in biomedical ethics.

by Vanja Bozovic - InTech , 2008
Robotics is being introduced to medicine because it allows for unprecedented precision of surgical instruments in minimally invasive procedures. The aim of this book is to present new ideas, original results and practical experiences in this area.

- International Medical Publishing, Inc. , 2004
This handbook provides basic facts regarding foodborne pathogenic microorganisms and natural toxins. Recent articles have been added to selected chapters to update the handbook with information on later outbreaks or incidents of foodborne disease.

- World Medical Association , 2015
This manual is the result of a comprehensive consultative process, guided by the WMA. The publication is structured to reinforce the ethical mindset and practice of physicians and provide tools to find ethical solutions to these dilemmas.

by Eugenia G. Giannopoulou - InTech , 2008
This book brings together the most recent advances of data mining research in the promising areas of medicine and biology. It consists of seventeen chapters which describe interesting applications, motivating progress and worthwhile results.

by WebMD - Webster's New World , 2008
This Dictionary will help you understand and communicate your medical needs. Written by the experts, this edition includes 8500 entries, including 500 new terms, a vitamin appendix, and a companion website to give you access to medical language.

by Avinash C. Kak, Malcolm Slaney - IEEE Press , 1989
A comprehensive, tutorial-style introduction to the algorithms for reconstructing cross-sectional images from projection data and contains a complete overview of the engineering and signal processing algorithms necessary for tomographic imaging.

by Alan I. Leshner - Diane Pub. Co. , 2018
Decades of research and clinical practice have yielded a variety of effective approaches to drug addiction treatment. To share the results of this extensive body of research, the National Institute on Drug Abuse prepared this guide.

- Wikibooks , 2007
The book covers all topics required for a standard first aid course: primary assessment and CPR, legal aspects of first aid, circulatory emergencies, respiratory emergencies, internal injuries, chest injuries and internal bleeding, burns, seizures.

- National Center for Health Statistics , 2017
The report on the health status of the Nation, submitted by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services. It presents national trends in health statistics and includes summaries, highlights, tables, chartbooks, and appendixes.