
Hyperbolic Manifolds, Discrete Groups and Ergodic Theory

Small book cover: Hyperbolic Manifolds, Discrete Groups and Ergodic Theory

Hyperbolic Manifolds, Discrete Groups and Ergodic Theory

Publisher: Harvard University
Number of pages: 118

Contents: Ergodic theory; Dynamics on hyperbolic surfaces; Orbit counting, equidistribution and arithmetic; Spectral theory; Mixing of unitary representations of SLnR; Amenability; The Laplacian; All unitary representations of PSL2(R); Kazhdan's property T; Ergodic theory at infinity of hyperbolic manifolds; Lattices: Dimension 1; Dimension 2; Lattices, norms and totally real fields; Dimension 3; Dimension 4, 5, 6; Higher rank dynamics on the circle; The discriminant-regulator paradox.

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