


Entomology (18)
Ornithology (14)

e-books in Zoology category

Book cover: Whale PrimerWhale Primer
by - Cabrillo Historical Association ,
The book provides a brief introduction to one of nature's most interesting creations, the whale. The principal star of the handbook is the California gray whale which in recent years has become a major tourist attraction in southern California.
Book cover: Venomous Arthropod HandbookVenomous Arthropod Handbook
by - U.S. Government Printing Office ,
The purpose of this handbook is to provide Air Force medical personnel with a quick reference on the problems caused by the more important venomous arthropods found in the US. An attempt has been made to include the latest information available.

Book cover: Animal DiversityAnimal Diversity
by - African Virtual University ,
This book on animal diversity is based on the social constructivist theory of learning. This module is divided into units: General Characteristics of Animals, Evolutionary Trends in Animals, Classification of animals, and The Importance of Animals.
Book cover: Poisonous Snakes of Texas and First Aid Treatment of Their BitesPoisonous Snakes of Texas and First Aid Treatment of Their Bites
by - Texas Parks and Wildlife Department ,
This Bulletin has been prepared in response to many requests from hunters, ranchers, telephone construction personnel, Boy Scouts and others who spend much time outdoors, for a concise and illustrated guide to the poisonous snakes of Texas.
Book cover: Poisonous Dwellers of the DesertPoisonous Dwellers of the Desert
by - Southwestern Monuments Association ,
Some of the creatures living in deserts are known to be poisonous to man. The purpose of this book is to discuss the various poisonous dwellers of the desert, as well as to debunk some of the superstitions and misunderstandings which have developed.
Book cover: Animal BehaviourAnimal Behaviour
by - Edward Arnold ,
The word 'behaviour' will be employed in the following pages in a wide and comprehensive sense. We shall have to consider, not only the kind of animal behaviour which implies intelligence, but also forms of behaviour which lack conscious guidance.
Book cover: The Elements of Animal BiologyThe Elements of Animal Biology
by - P. Blakiston's son & co. ,
This volume is intended as an introduction to the elements of animal biology for the use of students in the high school. The order in which the main topics are treated is essentially like that which is followed in several of the best recent textbooks.
Book cover: Bats in the Anthropocene: Conservation of Bats in a Changing WorldBats in the Anthropocene: Conservation of Bats in a Changing World
by - Springer ,
This book focuses on central themes related to the conservation of bats. It details their response to land-use change and management practices, and intensified urbanization. Increasing interactions between humans and bats are explored in depth.
Book cover: Mammals of Mount Rainier National ParkMammals of Mount Rainier National Park
by - Mount Rainier Naural History Association ,
To know Nature in her various forms is to increase appreciation of the natural scene. It is for this purpose that this book has been written. The sequence of species used brings many of the larger animals ahead of the smaller and more obscure kinds.
Book cover: Mammals of the Southwest Mountains and MesasMammals of the Southwest Mountains and Mesas
by - Southwest Parks and Monuments Association ,
This book describes mammals of the Southwest which live in the life zones above the low desert. The book is divided into hoofed animals, rodents, and carnivores. Includes finely executed black-and-white drawings and distribution maps.
Book cover: Gliding Mammals: Taxonomy of Living and Extinct SpeciesGliding Mammals: Taxonomy of Living and Extinct Species
by - Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press ,
There are 64 species of extant gliding mammals that are recognized, which are divided into six different families. These comprise eight species of gliding marsupials that live within Australasia and include six species of lesser gliding possums ...
Book cover: Meet the Invertebrates: Anemones, Octopuses, Spiders, Ants, and OthersMeet the Invertebrates: Anemones, Octopuses, Spiders, Ants, and Others
by - Smashwords ,
The book reveals these apparently alien creatures to be fascinating animals dealing with the basic problems of living as all animals do. It explains how they work physiologically and describes their appearance, behavior, and perception of the world.
Book cover: Behavioral Energetics: The Cost of Survival in VertebratesBehavioral Energetics: The Cost of Survival in Vertebrates
by - The Ohio State University Press ,
Integrating research in ethology, ecology, and physiology, and synthesizing their relationship to vertebrate energetics and survival adapta­tions, this volume concen­trates on three survival-strategy themes in the life energetics of vertebrates.
Book cover: Gorillas and ChimpanzeesGorillas and Chimpanzees
by - Osgood, McIlvaine & Co ,
This book is the natural product of some years devoted to a study of the speech and habits of monkeys. It has led up to the special study of the great apes. The matter contained herein is chiefly a record of the facts tabulated during recent years.
Book cover: The Vertebrate SkeletonThe Vertebrate Skeleton
by - Cambridge University Press ,
The author gives first an account of the skeletal characters of the group in question and of its subdivisions; secondly describes the skeleton of one or more selected types; and thirdly treats the skeleton as developed in the group organ by organ.
Book cover: Dictionary Of Invertebrate ZoologyDictionary Of Invertebrate Zoology
by - University of Nebraska - Lincoln ,
An exhaustive dictionary of terms relating to invertebrate zoology, including etymologies, word derivations and taxonomic classification. Entries cover parasitology, nematology, marine invertebrates, insects, anatomy, biology, and more...
Book cover: Curious Creatures in ZoologyCurious Creatures in Zoology
by - John C. Nimmo ,
A cryptozoological classic by John Ashton. It covers a wide variety of curious natural history that had been reported by early writers and explorers. Fact and fancy were both commonplace. Some creatures are well-known, while others are less so.
Book cover: Extinct and Vanishing Animals of The Old WorldExtinct and Vanishing Animals of The Old World
by - American Committee for Wild Life Protection ,
The present work had its origin in a strongly felt need for definite information on the mammals that have become extinct, on those that are now threatened with the same fate, and on the measures that may be undertaken for their preservation.
Book cover: Dogs and All About ThemDogs and All About Them
by - Cassell and company, ltd ,
The book contains a general history of dogs and practical information on breeding, management, some common ailments of the dogs and their treatment. The emphasis is on breeds and their history. Over 50 different breeds are described in this book.
Book cover: Zoology: higher secondary - second yearZoology: higher secondary - second year
by - Tamil Nadu Textbook Corporation ,
This book provides basic information on several fields of biology: Human Physiology, Medicine, Microbiology, Immunology, Bio-informatics, Environmental Biology, Genomics, Aquaculture, Medical Laboratory Techniques, Livestock management etc.
Book cover: Elementary ZoologyElementary Zoology
by - Henry Holt & Co. ,
This is an introduction to an elementary knowledge of animal structure, function, and development; a consideration of the principal branches of the animal kingdom; a brief consideration of certain of the more interesting features of animal ecology.
Book cover: Animal LifeAnimal Life
by - D. Appleton & co. ,
If the microscope had never been invented, the Story of Animal Life could never have been told. It is to the microscope that we owe our knowledge of innumerable little animals that are too small to be seen by the unassisted eye ...
Book cover: The Life of CrustaceaThe Life of Crustacea
by - Methuen & Co. ,
This book deals chiefly with the habits and modes of life of the Crustacea, and attempts to provide an account of some of the more important scientific problems suggested by a study of the living animals in relation to their environment.
Book cover: Zoological IllustrationsZoological Illustrations
by - Project Gutenberg ,
We have two objects in view: the diffusion of original observations which would be interesting to the general reader; and that of discouraging the publication of figures copied from old authors, by accustoming the public eye to original designs.
Book cover: ZoologyZoology
by - InTech ,
This book is a compendium of contributions to some of the many different topics related to the knowledge of animals. Individual chapters represent recent contributions to Zoology illustrating the diversity of research conducted in this field.
Book cover: Animal BehaviorAnimal Behavior
by - Wikibooks ,
This textbook focuses on the mechanisms and evolution of animal behavior, including neural, hormonal, and genetic substrates of behavior; foraging; anti-predator defenses; mating systems and sexual selection; social behavior; communication; etc.
Book cover: Artificial Insemination in Farm AnimalsArtificial Insemination in Farm Animals
by - InTech ,
Artificial insemination is used for reproduction purposes and its chief priority is that the desirable characteristics of a male livestock animal can be passed on more quickly and to more progeny than if that animal is mated in a natural fashion.
Book cover: Practical ZoologyPractical Zoology
by - MacMillan ,
The book is intended for the use of students in secondary schools. The word 'practical' has been chosen since an effort has been made to present those facts about animals which will have the most practical bearing upon the daily life of the student.
Book cover: Anatomy and Physiology of AnimalsAnatomy and Physiology of Animals
by - Wikibooks ,
This book describes the structure of the animal body and the way in which it works. It may be useful for anyone studying veterinary nursing or biology. It is intended for use by students with little previous biological knowledge.
Book cover: Elephant Seals: Population Ecology, Behavior, and PhysiologyElephant Seals: Population Ecology, Behavior, and Physiology
by - University of California Press ,
This discussion of elephant seals brings together worldwide expertise from scientists who describe recent research, the history and status of various populations, and other findings obtained with the help of modern instruments.