


Observational (8)
Popular & Elementary (8)

e-books in Cosmology category

Book cover: Applied Cosmography: A Pedagogical ReviewApplied Cosmography: A Pedagogical Review
by - arXiv.org ,
Cosmography is in fact a kinematics of cosmological expansion. The effectiveness of cosmography lies in the fact that it allows, based on the observations, to perform a rigid selection of models that do not contradict the cosmological principle.
Book cover: CosmologyCosmology
by - arXiv.org ,
Cosmology and particle physics are deeply interrelated. Among the common problems are dark energy, dark matter and baryon asymmetry of the Universe. We discuss these problems in general terms, and concentrate on several particular hypotheses.
Book cover: Cosmology and AstrophysicsCosmology and Astrophysics
by - arXiv.org ,
In these lectures I review the present status of the so-called Standard Cosmological Model, based on the hot Big Bang Theory and the Inflationary Paradigm. I will make special emphasis on the recent developments in observational cosmology ...
Book cover: Dark Energy: Observational Evidence and Theoretical ModelsDark Energy: Observational Evidence and Theoretical Models
by - Akademperiodyka ,
The book elucidates the current state of the dark energy problem and presents the results of the authors, who work in this area. It describes the observational evidence for the existence of dark energy, the methods of constraining of its parameters.

Book cover: Inflation and String TheoryInflation and String Theory
by - arXiv ,
We review cosmological inflation and its realization in quantum field theory and string theory. We describe two intertwined approaches to the physics of inflation: from the bottom up in effective field theory, and from the top down in string theory.
Book cover: Cosmic Structure, Averaging and Dark EnergyCosmic Structure, Averaging and Dark Energy
by - arXiv ,
These lecture notes review the theoretical problems associated with coarse-graining the observed inhomogeneous structure of the universe at late epochs, of describing average cosmic evolution in the presence of growing inhomogeneity ...
Book cover: The Shape of the UniverseThe Shape of the Universe
by - viXra ,
A special solution of the Maxwell equations is presented, which disposes of the properties the Higgs-field must have, if it should not violate already secured perceptions and observations. If both fields are identical remains to be seen at this time.
Book cover: Dynamics of the Universe in ProblemsDynamics of the Universe in Problems
by - UniverseInProblems.com ,
Problem book on cosmology that includes its spectacular recent achievements. There are over 1000 problems, covering topics from the dynamics of the expanding Universe and CMB to cosmology beyond the Lambda-CDM model and holography.
Book cover: An Introduction into the Theory of Cosmological Structure FormationAn Introduction into the Theory of Cosmological Structure Formation
by - arXiv ,
This text aims to give a pedagogical introduction into the main concepts of the theory of structure formation in the universe. The text is suited for graduate students of astronomy with a moderate background in general relativity.
Book cover: Modified Gravity and CosmologyModified Gravity and Cosmology
by - arXiv ,
In this review we present a thoroughly comprehensive survey of recent work on modified theories of gravity and their cosmological consequences. We cover General Relativity, Scalar-Tensor, Einstein-Aether, Bimetric theories, TeVeS, Galileons, etc.
Book cover: Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropies up to Second OrderCosmic Microwave Background Anisotropies up to Second Order
by - arXiv ,
These notes present the computation of the system of Boltzmann equations describing the evolution of the photon, baryon and cold dark matter fluids up to second order in perturbation theory. They follow the time evolution of the CMB anisotropies.
Book cover: InflationInflation
by - NIKHEF ,
Contents: Big Bang Cosmology; Inflation; Cosmological perturbations; CMB data; Particle physics models of inflation; Brane inflation; Literature; Curvature perturbation constant on superhorizon scales; Moduli are massless modes in the 4D EFT.
Book cover: Advances in Modern CosmologyAdvances in Modern Cosmology
by - InTech ,
Two main questions of modern cosmology are still to be answered: What is the nature of dark matter and dark energy? This book attempts to understand these questions while giving some of the most promising advances in modern cosmology.
Book cover: Introduction to Early Universe CosmologyIntroduction to Early Universe Cosmology
by - arXiv ,
This text covers the theory of cosmological perturbations, which describes the generation of inhomogeneities in the early universe and their evolution until the current time. The theory is applied to three classes of models of the early universe.
Book cover: Primordial MagnetogenesisPrimordial Magnetogenesis
by - arXiv ,
We review the question of primordial magnetic fields and consider the limits set on their strength by the observational data. The various mechanisms of pre-recombination magnetogenesis are presented and their advantages and shortcomings are debated.
Book cover: Particle Physics and Inflationary CosmologyParticle Physics and Inflationary Cosmology
by - arXiv ,
Linde offers a thorough investigation of modern cosmology and its relation to elementary particle physics, including a large introductory section containing a complete discussion of inflationary cosmology for those not yet familiar with the theory.
Book cover: Magnetic Fields, Strings and CosmologyMagnetic Fields, Strings and Cosmology
by - arXiv ,
The main motivations and challenges related with the physics of large-scale magnetic fields are briefly analyzed. The interplay between large-scale magnetic fields and scalar CMB anisotropies is addressed with specific attention on recent progresses.
Book cover: Introduction to CosmologyIntroduction to Cosmology
by - arXiv ,
These notes form an introduction to cosmology with special emphasis on large scale structure, the cmb anisotropy and inflation. In some places a basic familiarity with particle physics is assumed, but otherwise no special knowledge is needed.
Book cover: TASI Lectures: Introduction to CosmologyTASI Lectures: Introduction to Cosmology
by - arXiv ,
These proceedings summarize lectures in elementary particle physics at the University of Colorado at Boulder. They provide a pedagogical introduction to cosmology aimed at advanced graduate students in particle physics and string theory.
Book cover: Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and Physics Beyond the Standard ModelBig Bang Nucleosynthesis and Physics Beyond the Standard Model
by - arXiv ,
We first present a pedagogical account of relativistic cosmology and primordial nucleosynthesis, discussing both theoretical and observational aspects, and then examine such constraints in detail, in particular those pertaining to new particles.
Book cover: Particle Physics Aspects of Modern CosmologyParticle Physics Aspects of Modern Cosmology
by - arXiv ,
Modern cosmology has created a tight link between particle physics / field theory and a wealth of new observational data on the structure of the Universe. These notes focus on some aspects concerning the connection between theory and observations.
Book cover: The Cosmological ConstantThe Cosmological Constant
by - arXiv ,
This is a review of the physics and cosmology of the cosmological constant. The author presents an overview of cosmology in the presence of a cosmological constant, observational constraints on its magnitude, and the physics of a small vacuum energy.
Book cover: Advanced Topics in Cosmology: A Pedagogical IntroductionAdvanced Topics in Cosmology: A Pedagogical Introduction
by - arXiv ,
Here is an introduction to several advanced topics in contemporary cosmology. Topics covered: the thermal history of the universe, linear perturbation theory, theory of CMBR temperature anisotropies and the inflationary generation of perturbation.
Book cover: First LightFirst Light
by - arXiv ,
The first dwarf galaxies, which constitute the building blocks of the collapsed objects we find today, had formed hundreds of millions of years after the big bang. This review describes the early growth of their small-amplitude seed fluctuations.
Book cover: String CosmologyString Cosmology
by - arXiv ,
A pedagogical introduction to aspects of string cosmology, including the landscape (BPBT) solution to the cosmological constant problem, brane-antibrane inflation, warped compactification, the KKLMMT model, the eta problem of SUGRA models, etc.
Book cover: Introduction to CosmologyIntroduction to Cosmology
by - arXiv ,
Introductory lectures on cosmology for students specializing in particle physics are presented. Many important subjects are not covered because of lack of time and space but hopefully the lectures may serve as a starting point for further studies.
Book cover: The Beginning and Evolution of the UniverseThe Beginning and Evolution of the Universe
by - arXiv ,
The authors review the current standard model for the evolution of the Universe from an early inflationary epoch to the complex hierarchy of structure seen today. The text concludes with discussion of some open questions in cosmology.
Book cover: Lectures on Inflation and Cosmological PerturbationsLectures on Inflation and Cosmological Perturbations
by - arXiv ,
Inflation is today the main theoretical framework that describes the early Universe. These lectures give an introduction to inflation and the production of primordial perturbations, and a review of some of the latest developments in this domain.
Book cover: Introductory Lectures on Quantum CosmologyIntroductory Lectures on Quantum Cosmology
by - arXiv ,
The modern approach to quantum cosmology, as initiated by Hartle and Hawking, Linde, Vilenkin and others. We explain how one determines the consequences for the late universe of a given quantum theory of cosmological initial or boundary conditions.
Book cover: The Universe in a Helium DropletThe Universe in a Helium Droplet
by - Oxford University Press ,
There are fundamental relations between two vast areas of physics: particle physics and cosmology (micro- and macro-worlds). The main goal of this book is to establish and define the connection of these two fields with condensed matter physics.
Book cover: Inflationary Cosmology and Structure FormationInflationary Cosmology and Structure Formation
by - arXiv ,
Basics of inflationary models for the early universe, concentrating on the generation of density fluctuations from scalar-field dynamics. The subsequent gravitational dynamics of these fluctuations in dark matter in a Friedmann model are described.
Book cover: The Cosmic Web: Geometric AnalysisThe Cosmic Web: Geometric Analysis
by - arXiv ,
The lecture notes describe the Delaunay Tessellation Field Estimator for Cosmic Web analysis. The high sensitivity of Voronoi/Delaunay tessellations to the local point distribution is used to obtain estimates of density and related quantities.
Book cover: Superstring CosmologySuperstring Cosmology
by - arXiv ,
Aspects of superstring cosmology are reviewed with an emphasis on the cosmological implications of duality symmetries in the theory. The string effective actions are summarized and toroidal compactification to four dimensions reviewed.
Book cover: Cosmology for Particle PhysicistsCosmology for Particle Physicists
by - arXiv ,
We begin with a recapitulation of General Relativity, and the Standard Model of Cosmology. This is followed by lectures on inflation, density perturbations, study of hot and cold relics decoupled from the remaining constituents, and baryon asymmetry.
Book cover: An Introduction to Quantum CosmologyAn Introduction to Quantum Cosmology
by - arXiv ,
An introduction to quantum cosmology for an audience consisting for a large part of astronomers, and also a number of particle physicists. The author emphasizes those aspects of quantum cosmology which are of most interest to astronomers.
Book cover: Ekpyrotic and Cyclic CosmologyEkpyrotic and Cyclic Cosmology
by - arXiv ,
Ekpyrotic and cyclic cosmologies provide theories of the very early and of the very late universe. In these models, the big bang is described as a collision of branes - and thus the big bang is not the beginning of time.
Book cover: Introduction to relativistic astrophysics and cosmology through MapleIntroduction to relativistic astrophysics and cosmology through Maple
by - arXiv ,
The author presents the pedagogical introduction to relativistic astrophysics and cosmology, which is based on computational and graphical resources of Maple 6. The knowledge of basics of general relativity and differential geometry is supposed.