
Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer & Energy Conversion

e-books in Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer & Energy Conversion category

Book cover: Introduction to Engineering ThermodynamicsIntroduction to Engineering Thermodynamics
by - BCcampus ,
This book aims to help students develop a fundamental understanding of classical thermodynamics and its engineering applications. It features concise explanations of key concepts, step-by-step engineering examples, and interactive practice problems.
Book cover: Selected Problems of Contemporary ThermomechanicsSelected Problems of Contemporary Thermomechanics
by - InTech ,
Thermomechanics is a discipline which investigates the behavior of bodies under the action forces and heat input. Thermomechanical phenomena commonly occur in the human environment, from the action of solar radiation to the technological processes.

Book cover: Heat Exchangers: Design, Experiment and SimulationHeat Exchangers: Design, Experiment and Simulation
by - InTech ,
Presenting contributions from renowned experts in the field, this book covers research and development in fundamental areas of heat exchangers, which include: design and theoretical development, experiments, numerical modeling and simulations.
Book cover: Fundamentals of Refrigeration ThermodynamicsFundamentals of Refrigeration Thermodynamics
by - Bookboon ,
This book should serve first degree engineering students with an introduction to refrigeration systems. Topics include refrigeration thermodynamics, refrigeration systems and modeling. Little to no previous knowledge of thermodynamics is assumed.
Book cover: ThermokineticsThermokinetics
by - viXra ,
The book calls attention to a method of describing and investigating various physicochemical processes in their inseparable link with the heat form of energy. This book is intended for researches, engineers and university students.
Book cover: Software Solutions to Problems on Heat TransferSoftware Solutions to Problems on Heat Transfer
by - Bookboon ,
This book contains solutions to problems in the area of Heat Transfer. Problems are solved using four popular software, viz. 'Mathcad', 'Engineering Equation Solver (EES)', 'Finite Element Heat Transfer (FEHT)' and MS EXCEL-2007.
Book cover: Engineering ThermodynamicsEngineering Thermodynamics
by - McGraw-Hill ,
Calculations about heat and work, both of them in connection with changes in the condition of all sorts of substances that may give or take heat, and perform or receive work while changing condition, constitute the subject matter of this book.
Book cover: Elements of Engineering ThermodynamicsElements of Engineering Thermodynamics
by - J. Wiley ,
This book brings out the fundamental principles of Engineering Thermodynamics, and is intended for use in technical colleges where it is possible to give special courses on the subjects of steam turbines, internal combustion engines, etc.
Book cover: Thermal Power Plants: Advanced ApplicationsThermal Power Plants: Advanced Applications
by - InTech ,
The book covers plant performance, energy efficiency, combustion, heat transfer, renewable power generation and environmental aspects of combustion residues. This book addresses issues related to both coal fired and steam power plants.
Book cover: Refrigeration: Theory And ApplicationsRefrigeration: Theory And Applications
by - Bookboon ,
This book covers the basic thermodynamic and heat transfer considerations of the vapour compression cycle followed by the major applications of refrigeration. The text is intended for use as an elective undergraduate paper for engineering students.
Book cover: The Development and Application of Microwave HeatingThe Development and Application of Microwave Heating
by - InTech ,
Microwave heating has found many applications ranging from the microwave ovens in kitchen to heat food, to materials processing in the various fields. Microwave heating demonstrates significant advantages over conventional methods.
Book cover: Heat Transfer Phenomena and ApplicationsHeat Transfer Phenomena and Applications
by - InTech ,
Heat transfer calculations in different aspects of engineering applications are essential to aid engineering design of heat exchanging equipment. Minimizing of computational time is a challenging task faced by researchers and users.
Book cover: Heat Treatment: Conventional and Novel ApplicationsHeat Treatment: Conventional and Novel Applications
by - InTech ,
This book offers a review of recent global developments in an application of thermal and thermochemical processing to modify the microstructure and properties of a range of engineering materials. A mixture of conventional and novel applications.
Book cover: Heat TransferHeat Transfer
by - McGraw-Hill ,
This book is a description of the more important physical processes, theories, and methods of analysis loosely grouped in the field referred to as 'heat transfer.' The textbook will serve the general reader and the practicing engineer as well.
Book cover: Heat Exchangers: Basics Design ApplicationsHeat Exchangers: Basics Design Applications
by - InTech ,
The book focuses on the efficient use and conversion energy in changing environment. Beside the basics of thermodynamic, the book addresses several important issues, such as conceptions, design, operations, fouling and cleaning of heat exchangers.
Book cover: Heat Transfer: Engineering ApplicationsHeat Transfer: Engineering Applications
by - InTech ,
This book deals with combined action of heat transfer and concomitant processes, heat effects due to laser, ion and plasma-solid interaction, curing reaction kinetics in manufacturing process, heat conduction in metallic porous media, etc.
Book cover: Heat Conduction: Basic ResearchHeat Conduction: Basic Research
by - InTech ,
The book covers inverse heat conduction problems, non-linear and non-classic heat conduction equations, coupled thermal and electromagnetic or mechanical effects and numerical methods for solving heat conduction equations as well.
Book cover: Convection and Conduction Heat TransferConvection and Conduction Heat Transfer
by - InTech ,
The convection and conduction heat transfer, thermal conductivity, and phase transformations are significant issues in design of industrial processes and devices. This book covers mainly heat convection, heat conduction, and heat transfer analysis.
Book cover: Lecture Notes on Intermediate ThermodynamicsLecture Notes on Intermediate Thermodynamics
by - University of Notre Dame ,
These are lecture notes on Intermediate Thermodynamics for juniors or seniors majoring in aerospace or mechanical engineering. The objective of the course is to survey both practical and theoretical problems in classical thermodynamics.
Book cover: Lecture Notes on ThermodynamicsLecture Notes on Thermodynamics
by - University of Notre Dame ,
Basic concepts of thermodynamics. Topics covered: Properties of a pure substance; Work and heat; First law of thermodynamics; Second law of thermodynamics; Power and refrigeration systems; Theoretical foundations of classical thermodynamics.
Book cover: Energy ConversionEnergy Conversion
by - PWS ,
This text deals with energy conversion topics that should be well understood by all mechanical engineers. It is intended for use in an introductory course in energy conversion, to follow first courses in thermodynamics and fluid mechanics.
Book cover: Heat for EngineersHeat for Engineers
by - Spon & Chamberlain ,
The author has endeavoured to explain thoroughly the principles underlying the matters dealt with. The connection between heat and work has been kept prominent throughout, and the use of the various formulae given has been illustrated by examples.
Book cover: Applied Thermodynamics for EngineersApplied Thermodynamics for Engineers
by - D. Van Nostrand Company ,
This book takes a middle ground between those textbooks which replace all theory by empiricism and that other class of treatises which are too apt to ignore the engineering significance of their vocabulary of differential equations.
Book cover: Heat Transfer: ExercisesHeat Transfer: Exercises
by - BookBoon ,
This work book contains examples and full solutions to go with the text of our e-book 'Heat Transfer'. The subject matter corresponds to the five chapters: Introduction to Heat Transfer, Conduction, Convection, Heat Exchangers and Radiation.
Book cover: Heat TransferHeat Transfer
by - BookBoon ,
This book explains the basic modes of heat transfer: conduction, convection and radiation. Fundamental mathematical models representing the heat transfer modes are introduced and application engineering problems are discussed.
Book cover: A Heat Transfer TextbookA Heat Transfer Textbook
by - Phlogiston Press ,
This textbook is an introduction to heat and mass transfer for engineering students. The subjects covered include heat conduction, forced and natural convection, thermal radiation, boiling, condensation, heat exchangers, and mass transfer.