e-books in Statistical Physics category
by Hidetoshi Nishimori, Gerardo Ortiz - Oxford University Press , 2011
This book provides an introductory account on the theory of phase transitions and critical phenomena, a subject now recognized to be indispensable for students and researchers from many fields of physics and related disciplines.
by Sacha Friedli, Yvan Velenik - Cambridge University Press , 2017
This motivating textbook gives a friendly, rigorous introduction to fundamental concepts in equilibrium statistical mechanics, covering a selection of specific models, including the Curie-Weiss and Ising models, the Gaussian free field, O(n) models.
by Benjamin Doyon - arXiv.org , 2020
I overview in a pedagogical fashion the main aspects of the theory of generalised hydrodynamics, a hydrodynamic theory for quantum and classical many-body integrable systems. Only a basic knowledge of hydrodynamics and integrable systems is assumed.
by A. Puglisi, A. Sarracino, A. Vulpiani (eds) - MDPI AG , 2018
Applications of the thermodynamic and statistical mechanics of small systems range from molecular biology to micro-mechanics, including models of nano-transport, Brownian motors, and (living or artificial) self-propelled organisms.
by Paul Fendley - The University of Virginia , 2014
This book is an attempt to cover the gap between what is taught in a conventional statistical mechanics class and between what is necessary to understand current research. The aim is to introduce the basics of many-body physics to a wide audience.
by Soham Biswas - arXiv , 2016
Dynamics of Ising models is a much studied phenomenon and has emerged as a rich field of present-day research. An important dynamical feature commonly studied is the quenching phenomenon below the critical temperature ...
by Josiah Willard Gibbs - Charles Scribner's Sons , 1902
Written by J. Willard Gibbs, this book was the first to bring together and arrange in logical order the works of Clausius, Maxwell, Boltzmann, and Gibbs himself. The text remains a valuable collection of fundamental equations and principles.
by Peter E. Blöchl - TU Clausthal , 2014
The table of contents: Transition-state theory; Diffusion; Monte Carlo Method; Quantum Monte Carlo; Decoherence; Notes on the Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics; Irreversible Thermodynamics; Transport; Interacting Systems and Phase Transitions; etc.
by Peter E. Blöchl - Clausthal University of Technology , 2013
From the table of contents: Entropy and Information; The ideal Boltzmann gas; Equilibrium; Thermodynamic Processes; The Language of Thermodynamics; The Language of Statistical Physics; Non-interacting Model Systems; Non-interacting particles.
by W. David McComb - Bookboon , 2015
This is an academic textbook in three parts, intended for a one-semester course in statistical physics at honours BSc level. Throughout the book, the emphasis is on a clear, concise exposition, with all steps being clearly explained.
by Daniel Arovas - University of California, San Diego , 2019
Contents: Probability 2. Thermodynamics 3. Ergodicity and the Approach to Equilibrium 4. Statistical Ensembles 5. Noninteracting Quantum Systems 6. Classical Interacting Systems 7. Mean Field Theory of Phase Transitions 8. Nonequilibrium Phenomena.
by Mehran Kardar - MIT , 2014
Topics: The hydrodynamic limit and classical field theories; Phase transitions and broken symmetries: universality, correlation functions, and scaling theory; The renormalization approach to collective phenomena; Dynamic critical behavior; etc.
by Mehran Kardar - MIT , 2013
Basic principles are examined: the laws of thermodynamics and the concepts of temperature, work, heat, and entropy. Postulates of classical statistical mechanics, microcanonical, canonical, and grand canonical distributions; lattice vibrations; etc.
by A. L. Kuzemsky - arXiv , 2014
The thermodynamic limit in statistical thermodynamics of many-particle systems is an important issue. We review the past and present disposition of thermodynamic limiting procedure in the structure of the contemporary statistical mechanics ...
by Ben Simons - University of Cambridge , 1997
Contents -- Preface; Chapter 1: Critical Phenomena; Chapter 2: Ginzburg-Landau Theory; Chapter 3: Scaling Theory; Chapter 4: Renormalisation Group; Chapter 5: Topological Phase Transitions; Chapter 6: Functional Methods in Quantum Mechanics.
by Neri Merhav - arXiv , 2013
This is a set of lecture notes of a course on statistical physics and thermodynamics, oriented towards electrical engineering students. The main body of the lectures is devoted to statistical physics, whereas much less emphasis is on thermodynamics.
by Olivier Sarbach, Thomas Zannias - arXiv , 2013
A brief introduction to the relativistic kinetic theory of gases with emphasis on the underlying geometric and Hamiltonian structure of the theory. We start with a discussion on the tangent bundle of a Lorentzian manifold of arbitrary dimension...
by Gunnar Pruessner - Imperial College London , 2011
This is an attempt to deliver, within a couple of hours, a few key-concepts of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics. The goal is to develop some ideas of contemporary research. Many of the ideas are illustrated or even introduced by examples.
by A.L. Kuzemsky - arXiv , 2011
This paper reviews some selected approaches to the description of transport properties in crystalline and disordered metallic systems. A detailed formulation of the electron transport processes in metallic systems within a model approach is given.
by Eric L. Michelsen - UCSD , 2013
This work is aimed at graduate and advanced undergraduate physics students. It contains a better entropy discussion, the Carnot conspiracy, Boltzmann distribution, entropy, free energy, meet Mr. Mole, chemical potential, and much more...
by David Tong - University of Cambridge , 2012
This is a graduate course on topics in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, covering kinetic theory, stochastic processes and linear response. It is aimed at masters students and PhD students. The full set of lecture notes are around 100 pages.
by U.M.B. Marconi, A. Puglisi, L. Rondoni, A. Vulpiani - arXiv , 2008
General aspects of the Fluctuation-Dissipation Relation (FDR), and Response Theory are considered. We illustrate the relation between the relaxation of spontaneous fluctuations, and the response to an external perturbation.
by Masahito Ueda - World Scientific Publishing Company , 2010
This book covers the fundamentals of and new developments in gaseous Bose Einstein condensation. It begins with a review of fundamental concepts and theorems, and introduces basic theories describing Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC)...
by David Tong - University of Cambridge , 2012
This is an introductory course on Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics given to final year undergraduates. Topics: Fundamentals of Statistical Mechanics; Classical Gases; Quantum Gases; Classical Thermodynamics; Phase Transitions.
by M. Escobedo, S. Mischler, M.A. Valle - American Mathematical Society , 2003
We consider some mathematical questions about Boltzmann equations for quantum particles, relativistic or non relativistic. Relevant cases such as Bose, Bose-Fermi, and photon-electron gases are studied. We also consider some simplifications ...
by Hikaru Kawamura, et al. - arXiv , 2011
We review our research regarding the dynamics and the statistical properties of earthquakes, mainly from a statistical physical viewpoint. Emphasis is put both on the physics of friction and fracture, and on the statistical physical modelling.
by T. Chou, K. Mallick, R. K. P. Zia - arXiv , 2011
We review some of the many recent activities on non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, focusing on general aspects. Using the language of stochastic Markov processes, we emphasize general properties of the evolution of configurational probabilities.
by A. L. Kuzemsky - arXiv , 2011
The development of methods of quantum statistical mechanics is considered in light of their applications to quantum solid-state theory. We discuss fundamental problems of the physics of magnetic materials and methods of quantum theory of magnetism.
by Jed Rembold - New Mexico Tech , 2011
From the table of contents: Fundamental Principles of Statistical Physics; Selected Applications (Classical Systems, Ideal Fermi Gas, Ideal Bose Gas, Black Body Radiation, Relativistic Degenerate Electron Gas); Introduction to Kinetic Theory.
by Doron Cohen - arXiv , 2011
These are notes for quantum and statistical mechanics courses. Topics covered: master equations; non-equilibrium processes; fluctuation theorems; linear response theory; adiabatic transport; the Kubo formalism; scattering approach to mesoscopics.
by Hugo Touchette - arXiv , 2011
The theory of large deviations deals with the probabilities of rare events that are exponentially small as a function of some parameter, e.g., the number of random components of a system or the time over which a stochastic system is observed.
by Sidney Redner - Boston University , 2007
The author illustrates non-equilibrium statistical physics by presenting a number of current and paradigmatic examples of systems that are out of equilibrium, and elucidates the range of techniques available to solve these systems.
by Manfred Sigrist - ETH Zurich , 2014
From the table of contents: Laws of Thermodynamics; Kinetic approach and Boltzmann transport theory; Classical statistical mechanics; Quantum Statistical Physics; Phase transitions; Linear Response Theory; Renormalization group; etc.
by V.I. Yukalov - arXiv , 2011
The review is devoted to the elucidation of the basic problems arising in the theoretical investigation of systems with Bose-Einstein condensate. Understanding these problems is necessary for the correct description of Bose-condensed systems.
by Eric Poisson - University of Guelph , 2009
From the table of contents: Review of thermodynamics; Statistical mechanics of isolated systems; Statistical mechanics of interacting systems; Information theory; Paramagnetism; Quantum statistics of ideal gases; Black-body radiation.
by Eric Poisson - University of Guelph , 2000
From the table of contents: Thermodynamic systems and the zeroth law; Transformations and the first law; Heat engines and the second law; Entropy and the third law; Thermodynamic potentials; Thermodynamics of magnetic systems.
by Eric Bertin - ENS Lyon , 2010
This introductory text was aimed at giving a basic knowledge of the concepts and methods of statistical physics to the readers, so that they could later on follow more advanced lectures on diverse topics in the field of complex systems.
by Christophe Garban, Jeffrey E. Steif - arXiv , 2011
The goal of this set of lectures is to combine two seemingly unrelated topics: (1) The study of Boolean functions, a field particularly active in computer science; (2) Some models in statistical physics, mostly percolation.
by H.T.C. Stoof - Utrecht University , 2002
We give a self-contained introduction to the quantum field theory for many-particle systems, using functional methods throughout. We focus in general on the behavior of so-called quantum liquids, i.e., quantum gases and liquids.
by R R Horgan - University of Cambridge , 2010
These notes are concerned with the physics of phase transitions: the phenomenon that in particular environments, many systems exhibit singularities in the thermodynamic variables which best describe the macroscopic state of the system.
by E. Ben-Naim, P. L. Krapivsky, S. Redner - Boston University , 2008
The authors discuss the development of basic kinetic approaches to more complex and contemporary systems. Among the large menu of stochastic and irreversible processes, we chose the ones that we consider to be among the most instructive.
by Franz J. Vesely - University of Vienna , 2005
This web tutorial was devised as a tool for teaching Statistical Physics to second year students. Topics covered: Why is water wet? Elements of Kinetic Theory; Phase space; Statistical Thermodynamics; Statistical Quantum Mechanics.
by Peter Kopietz - arXiv , 2006
In this book we describe a new non-perturbative approach to the fermionic many-body problem, which can be considered as a generalization to arbitrary dimensions of the well-known bosonization technique for one-dimensional fermions.
by S.N. Dorogovtsev, J.F.F. Mendes - arXiv , 2001
The authors review the recent fast progress in statistical physics of evolving networks. Interest has focused mainly on the structural properties of random complex networks in communications, biology, social sciences and economics.
by Flavio S. Nogueira - arXiv , 2010
These notes provide a self-contained introduction to field theoretic methods employed in the study of classical and quantum phase transitions. Classical phase transitions occur at a regime where quantum fluctuations do not play an important role.
by L. S. Schulman - Clarkson University , 2008
Topics covered: The description of apparent of irreversibility; Physical origins of the arrow(s) of time; Two-time boundary value problems; The micro / macro distinction and coarse graining; Quantum mechanics with special states.
by Hans Kroha - University of Bonn , 2005
Contents: Introduction and overview; Thermodynamics; Foundations of statistical physics; Ideal systems: some examples; Systems of identical particles; General formulation of statistical mechanics; Interacting systems in thermodyn. equilibrium.
by Daniel F. Styer - Oberlin College , 2007
This is a book about statistical mechanics at the advanced undergraduate level. It assumes a background in classical mechanics through the concept of phase space, in quantum mechanics through the Pauli exclusion principle, and multivariate calculus.
by K. P. N. Murthy - arXiv , 2003
A brief introduction to the technique of Monte Carlo simulations in statistical physics. The topics covered include statistical ensembles random and pseudo random numbers, random sampling techniques, importance sampling, Markov chain, etc.
by J. L. Garcia-Palacios - arXiv , 2007
Contents: Stochastic variables; Stochastic processes and Markov processes; The master equation; The Langevin equation; Linear response theory, dynamical susceptibilities, and relaxation times; Langevin and Fokker–Planck equations; etc.
by Neri Merhav - arXiv , 2010
Lecture notes for a graduate course focusing on the relations between Information Theory and Statistical Physics. The course is aimed at EE graduate students in the area of Communications and Information Theory, or graduate students in Physics.
by Takafumi Kita - arXiv , 2010
The author presents a concise and self-contained introduction to nonequilibrium statistical mechanics with quantum field theory. Readers are assumed to be familiar with the Matsubara formalism of equilibrium statistical mechanics.
by Christian Gogolin - arXiv , 2010
A new approach towards the foundations of Statistical Mechanics is explored. The approach is genuine quantum in the sense that statistical behavior is a consequence of objective quantum uncertainties due to entanglement and uncertainty relations.
by Michael Cross - Caltech , 2006
The author discusses using statistical mechanics to understand real systems, rather than ideal systems that can be solved exactly. In addition dynamics and fluctuations are considered. These notes are an attempt to summarize the main points.
by Igor Vilfan - The J. Stefan Institute , 2002
These lectures cover classical and quantum statistical mechanics with some emphasis on classical spin systems. The author gives also an introduction to Bose condensation and superfluidity but he does not discuss phenomena specific to Fermi particles.
by Harvey Gould, Jan Tobochnik - Princeton University Press , 2010
A text on two related subjects: thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. Computer simulations and numerical calculations are used in a variety of contexts. The book brings some of the recent advances in research into the undergraduate curriculum.
by R. J. Baxter - Academic Press , 1982
This text explores the solution of two-dimensional lattice models. Topics include basic statistical mechanics, Ising models, mean field model, spherical model, ice-type models, corner transfer matrices, hard hexagonal models, and elliptic functions.
by Oleg Kupervasser - arXiv , 2009
Statistical classical mechanics and quantum mechanics are two developed theories that contain a number of paradoxes. However the given paradoxes can be resolved within the framework of the existing physics, without introduction of new laws.
by Yuri Galperin, Jens Feder - University of Oslo , 2008
Statistical physics is a highly active part of physics. Many types of nonlinear systems are beyond our present understanding and theoretical tools. The purpose of this course is to acquaint you with the central issues of statistical mechanics.
by Ola Bratteli, Derek W. Robinson - Springer , 2003
These two volumes present the theory of operator algebras with applications to quantum statistical mechanics. The authors' approach to the operator theory is to a large extent governed by the dictates of the physical applications.
by Denis J. Evans, Gary P. Morriss - ANU E Press , 2007
The book charts the development and theoretical analysis of molecular dynamics as applied to equilibrium and non-equilibrium systems. It connects molecular dynamics simulation with the mathematical theory to understand non-equilibrium steady states.
by Richard Fitzpatrick - Lulu.com , 2007
Set of lecture notes for an upper-division thermodynamics and statistical mechanics course. Covered topics are classical thermodynamics, the thermodynamics of the atmosphere, heat engines, specific heat capacities of gases and solids, etc.