
Organic Chemistry

e-books in Organic Chemistry category

Book cover: Organic Chemistry with a Biological EmphasisOrganic Chemistry with a Biological Emphasis
by - University of Minnesota ,
In this online textbook, a unique approach is taken to the study of organic chemistry. To the greatest extent possible, biological molecules and biochemical reactions are used to explain and illustrate the central concepts of organic chemistry.
Book cover: Organic ChemistryOrganic Chemistry
by - Chambers ,
One of the principal objects throughout has been to treat the subject from a practical point of view, because, unless a thorough course of practical work accompanies the theoretical, no really satisfactory progress can be made...

Book cover: Advanced Organic ChemistryAdvanced Organic Chemistry
by - Wiley ,
The primary guiding and unifying principle of the book is the structural theory in its broadest sense. This one theory underlies the whole of organic chemistry; its different aspects are discussed in the various chapters.
Book cover: The Complex World of PolysaccharidesThe Complex World of Polysaccharides
by - InTech ,
A compilation of the characteristics of a variety of polysaccharides from plants, animals and microorganisms. The diversity of these polysaccharides arises from the structural variations and the monosaccharide content which is under genetic control.
Book cover: HydrogenationHydrogenation
by - InTech ,
The domain of catalytic hydrogenation continues to grow, reflecting the wide range of applications that can be enhanced by the use of molecular hydrogen. This volume will provide an overview of new progress of the hydrogenation reactions.
Book cover: Virtual Textbook of Organic ChemistryVirtual Textbook of Organic Chemistry
by - Michigan State University ,
An interactive textbook covering the usual topics treated in a college sophomore-level course. Links are offered to advanced discussions of selected topics. The practice problems provided as part of this text are chiefly interactive.
Book cover: Biotechnology of BiopolymersBiotechnology of Biopolymers
by - InTech ,
The book covers occurrence, synthesis, isolation and production, properties, applications, biodegradation and modification, the relevant analysis methods to reveal the structures and properties of biopolymers, the theoretical models of biopolymers.
Book cover: Lectures on Random PolymersLectures on Random Polymers
by - arXiv ,
These lecture notes are a guided tour through the fascinating world of polymer chains interacting with themselves and/or with their environment. The focus is on the mathematical description of a number of physical and chemical phenomena.
Book cover: Organic ChemistryOrganic Chemistry
by - Wikibooks ,
Organic chemistry is primarily devoted to the unique properties of the carbon atom and its compounds. These compounds play a critical role in biology and ecology, Earth sciences and geology, physics, industry, medicine and - of course - chemistry.
Book cover: Practical Organic and BiochemistryPractical Organic and Biochemistry
by - Longmans ,
This book gives a nearly complete statement of the whole subject. The essential points are illustrated by the practical experiments. The book is intended mainly for medical students, but it contains the essentials for all students of Biology.
Book cover: Polymer Science and EngineeringPolymer Science and Engineering
- National Academies ,
This book explores the universe of polymers in various fields, such as medicine and biotechnology information and communication, housing and construction, energy and transportation, national defense, and environmental protection.
Book cover: Practical Organic ChemistryPractical Organic Chemistry
by - Macmillan ,
The book does not aim at being a complete laboratory guide, but is intended to provide a systematic course of practical instruction, illustrating a great variety of reactions and processes with a very moderate outlay in materials and apparatus.
Book cover: HydrocarbonsHydrocarbons
by - BookBoon ,
The book on the physical properties of hydrocarbons. It is of interest to students and professionals in chemical engineering, fuel technology and mechanical engineering. The author have used it in a newly set up chemical engineering degree course.
Book cover: Micro- and Nano-Transport of BiomoleculesMicro- and Nano-Transport of Biomolecules
by - BookBoon ,
This ebook is generally intended for undergraduate students from chemical, life and physical sciences wanting to find out about the basic properties of biomolecules and how they can be transported in liquids on the micro- to nano-scale.
Book cover: Organic Chemistry: methane to macromoleculesOrganic Chemistry: methane to macromolecules
by - W. A. Benjamin, Inc. ,
Interesting and up-to-date picture of organic chemistry with the rigorous approach to the relevant topics, and an emphasis on spectroscopy. The simple introduction to the subject should make the book appealing to the general student.
Book cover: Basic Principles of Organic Chemistry, 2edBasic Principles of Organic Chemistry, 2ed
by - Addison-Wesley ,
A comprehensive textbook that covers the elements of modern organic chemistry with sufficient breadth to anticipate the interests and needs of the future chemists, biologists, physicians, medical scientists, and engineers.