A. E. W. Mason (6)
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e-books in Action & Adventure Fiction category

by Killian Flinn - Smashwords , 2024
A survival adventure novel set in the Australian jungle. The story follows a colony of sugar gliders facing battles for survival against owls, feral cats, and kookaburras. It emphasizes nature, ecosystems, and the resilience of wildlife.

by Arthur Preston Hankins - Dodd, Mead & Co. , 1923
An adventure novel set in the rugged landscapes of Spyglass Mountain, following the protagonist, Cole, as he encounters challenges, mysteries, and rugged frontier life. This is a thrilling, atmospheric read for fans of classic wilderness tales.

by Tony White - Science Museum , 2013
Tony White has written a bold novel-cum-manifesto, a prophecy, satire, and warning, and a gripping polar allegory for the era of global warming. He brings a puzzlemaster's ingenuity and a storyteller's sense to create a stark vision of a future ...

by William Clark Russell - Chatto & Windus , 1899
The ship Lovelace lay in the East India Docks, being newly arrived from an East India voyage. Her commander, Jackman, stood in her cabin and gazed in his glass; he looked at his face, and seemed to study it. There was a mark as of a blow...

by John Michaelson - Smashwords , 2013
In 1969 Lt. Michael Robinson was assigned to Saglek Air Force Station, an arctic outpost perched above the waters of Atlantic. Subjected to extraordinarily severe conditions he began a personal journey of revelation. Based on a true story.

by Henry de Vere Stacpoole - John Lane Co. , 1917
John Evans encounters his look alike, Malcolm Scott. When Scott is killed in an accident, Evans finds himself mistaken for Scott and decides to do some good in his new role... A novel with twists, turns, mystery and a sense of adventure.

by Max Pemberton - Cassell & Co. , 1893
The story of a great gas-driven iron-clad pirate ship, capable of outpacing the navies of the world and terrorizing the Atlantic. There are scalawags, ships sinking, mysterious buckets of treasure, dingy drinking joints, keelhauling ...

by Guy Herman - , 2012
A harrowing, nearly unbelievable, incredibly intimate adventure of a professor and his graduate assistant's summertime escape to the Alps, ending in a wondrous horror and recounted first person to the professors attorney from his jail cell.

by F. S. Brereton - Blackie & Son ltd. , 1914
From those cold and forbidding Antarctic regions the airship rushed towards sunnier climes, and was very soon over Cape Horn. Thence she traced the whole length of South America, passing over the Pacific coast of that enormous continent ...

by Charles Boardman Hawes - The Torbell Company , 1921
A romance of 1826, wherein are recorded the experiences of Josiah Woods of Topham, and of those others with whom he sailed for Cuba and the Gulf of Guinea. He braves the stormy seas, encounters natives, searches for gold and rescues a lovely lady.

by Rex Stout , 1914
This early novel by Rex Stout follows two men and a woman on a vacation in the Andes .. a vacation which takes them to a lost world beneath the mountains! This novel is a scientific romance of the pulp adventure variety.

by Paul Creswick - ManyBooks , 1917
This is the classic story of the life and adventures of Robin Hood, who lived as an outlaw in Sherwood Forest dedicated to fighting tyranny. Robin Hood, champion of the poor and oppressed, stands against the cruel power of Prince John ...

by Charles Gilson - Boy's Own Paper , 1921
Eagerly, with hands that trembled somewhat, I studied the map. It will be remembered that the portion had been torn across the place where was marked the Temple of Cahazaxa. Upon the fragment that had come into my hands by so strange a chance...

by Edmund Flagg - ManyBooks , 1885
A brilliant, exciting and absorbing novel, the sequel to ;The Count of Monte-Cristo', Alexander Dumas' masterwork, and the continuation and conclusion of that great romance. It possesses rare power, unflagging interest and an intricate plot.

by Rolf Boldrewood , 1882
A story of life and adventure in the bush and in the goldfields of Australia. The book deals with the classic idea of an honest man driven to crime and the suffering it brings him. It is also full of the adventure and excitement that comes along.

by A. F. Mockler Ferryman - A. & C. Black , 1908
If you like to undertake to study hard for six months, we will send you out on a voyage of discovery for us. You will have to make up your mind to real hard work, but you will have a thoroughly interesting trip, and will see a good deal of the world.

by Edison Marshall - Little, Brown, and Company , 1921
Before the gray of dawn came over the land Bruce Duncan had started westward. He had no self-amazement at the lightning decision. He was only strangely and deeply exultant. The reasons why went too deep within him to be easily seen...

by Jean Rudolph Wyss - Rand McNally & Company , 1916
Swept off course by a storm, a Swiss pastor, his wife, and four sons are shipwrecked on an uncharted tropical island. Thus begins the classic story of survival and adventure that has fired the imaginations of readers since it first appeared in 1812.

by Frank Lillie Pollock - The Riverside Press Cambridge , 1917
They awoke from uneasy slumbers to find the train rushing through a desolate landscape of snowy spruces. Through the frosted double glass of the windows the morning looked clear and cold, and glimpses of rivers and lakes showed clear, shining ice.

by Clemence Housman - Duckworth and co. , 1898
An uncertain path promised fairly till half way, where a recent lapse turned him aside on to untried slopes and ledges: a perilous ascent to any not bold and sure and practised. The spice of danger kindled the boy's blood; he won to the top ...

by Albert Kinross - Herbert S. Stone & Company , 1896
A narrative of Silas Fordred, master mariner of Hythe whose shipwreck and subsequent adventures are herein set forth. Also an appendix accounting for the seeming marvels that Silas Fordred encountered during his sojourn on a fearsome island.

by Lawrence Fletcher - Project Gutenberg , 2010
The scene is magnificently striking, but grand with a loneliness awful beyond description, for, so far as the eye can reach, the fervid sun beats upon nothing but towering mountain-peaks, whose grey and rugged summits pierce the fleecy heat-clouds.

by Russell Thorndyke - Doubleday, Page & Company , 1915
Posing as a respectable vicar in Dymchurch in 18th century, Dr. Syn is actually the retired pirate Captain Clegg. Clegg, believed hanged in Rye, is no longer being sought by the authorities. However, country life proves too tame for Syn.

by Al Avery - Grosset & Dunlap , 1941
Here he was, really a fugitive from his distant homeland, standing in the Royal Air Force mess while outside the closely curtained windows all of London lay under an inky blackout, listening and waiting for the whine of the bombers.

by Mike Reeves-Mcmillan - C-Side Media , 2008
City of Masks is a swashbuckling adventure in a setting reminiscent of Shakespeare's Italy. In the city-state of Bonvidaeo, by custom and law everyone must wear a mask and act in character with it, or face civil, social and religious penalties.

by H. G. Winter - Project Gutenberg , 1933
Planes sent out to search for the missing polar submarine Peary returned without clue to the mystery of is disappearance. The close search that has been conducted through the last two weeks, involving great risks to the pilots, has been fruitless.

by Ernest Favenc - Blackie , 1895
The unknown fate of Ludwig Leichhardt has always centred most of the romance of story about his memory. No clue to the disappearance of the whole party has ever been discovered. This mystery of Australian exploration is the groundwork of the story.

by Laurence Houseman, Edmund Dulac - Hodder and Stoughton , 1907
The book includes the story of Ali Baba and the forty thieves, the story of the princess of Deryabar, the magic horse, Aladdin and the wonderful lamp, the fisherman and the genie, the king of the Ebony Isles, Sinbad the sailor, and other stories.