
Philosophy: History & Surveys

e-books in Philosophy: History & Surveys category

Book cover: Initiation into PhilosophyInitiation into Philosophy
by - G. P. Putnam's sons ,
A fantastic look at the whole history of Philosophy from ancient times up to the beginnings of modern thinking. Covers all the major philosophers and philosophical theories, as well as the historical interplay between religion and philosophy.
Book cover: Farewell to Freedom: A Western Genealogy of LibertyFarewell to Freedom: A Western Genealogy of Liberty
by - University of Westminster Press ,
From Homeric poems to contemporary works, the author traces the words that express the various notions of freedom in Classical Greek, Latin, and modern European idioms. This theoretical mapping shows old and new boundaries of the horizon of freedom.

Book cover: Interpreting Philosophy: The Elements of Philosophical HermeneuticsInterpreting Philosophy: The Elements of Philosophical Hermeneutics
by - Ontos Verlag ,
Philosophers are too busy doing philosophy to take time to stand back and consider how the project itself works. This is a good reason for philosophical hermeneutics, reflecting on the issue of how philosophical texts are to be interpreted.
Book cover: Ancient Greek PhilosophyAncient Greek Philosophy
- Pearson ,
The philosophers of ancient Greece have fascinated thinking persons for centuries, and their writings have been the key influences on the Western civilization. The works of Plato and Aristotle have defined the questions for subsequent generations.
Book cover: The Philosophy of Immanuel KantThe Philosophy of Immanuel Kant
by - T.C. & E.C. Jack ,
All that the writer of a book like this can hope to do is to persuade others to undertake that study by interesting them in the problems with which it deals, and by offering a few suggestions which may help to an understanding of it.
Book cover: The Greek PhilosophersThe Greek Philosophers
by - Kegan Paul, Trench, & co. ,
The appearance of a new idea can only be made intelligible by tracing the previous tendencies. The history of philosophy has itself a philosophy which requires that we go beyond particular phenomena and view them as related parts of a single system.
Book cover: Against the Men of the CrowdAgainst the Men of the Crowd
by - Smashwords ,
This volume is a Guide to the Ancient Philosophy of Independent Thinking And Personal Happiness, Based on the Texts of Its Founder and Leading Proponents. Prepared from the ancient texts of Epicurus, Lucretius, Diogenes of Oinoinda, and others.
Book cover: History of PhilosophyHistory of Philosophy
by - Longmans, Green ,
The author's knowledge of the subject is thorough and extensive, his judgment sound, his manner of expression simple, clear, and precise. The history of philosophy is conceived as an evolution, as a process from the simple to the complex.
Book cover: Philosophy and The Social ProblemPhilosophy and The Social Problem
by - The Macmillan Company ,
The purpose of this essay is to show that the social problem has been the concern of many of the greater philosophers, and that an approach to the social problem through philosophy is the first condition of a successful treatment of this problem.
Book cover: Philosophy: What It Is and Why We Need ItPhilosophy: What It Is and Why We Need It
by - Smashwords ,
What is the point of studying philosophy? And what is philosophy, anyway? In this engaging, informative, and often lively book, Tom Blackstone seeks to answer these as well as many more important philosophical questions.
Book cover: Greek Thinkers: A History of Ancient PhilosophyGreek Thinkers: A History of Ancient Philosophy
by - J. Murray ,
The Greeks loved knowledge for its own sake and delighted in free discussion of ideas and theories. Professor Gomperz in this famous book looks closely at their writings and relates them to later developments in thought and science.
Book cover: A Pluralistic UniverseA Pluralistic Universe
by - Longmans, Green, and co. ,
Lectures on the present situation in philosophy. Contents: The Types of Philosophic Thinking; Monistic Idealism; Hegel and his Method; Concerning Fechner; The Compounding of Consciousness; Bergson and his Critique of Intellectualism; and more.
Book cover: Greek Philosophy, Thales to PlatoGreek Philosophy, Thales to Plato
by - MacMillan ,
The author's chief aim has been to assist students who wish to acquire a firsthand knowledge of what Plato actually says in the dialogues of his maturity. John Burnet was a Scottish classicist, best known for his work on Plato.
Book cover: History of Modern PhilosophyHistory of Modern Philosophy
by - Watts & Co. ,
The author was an agnostic and an honorary associate of the Rationalist Press Association. Contents: The Philosophical Renaissance; The Metaphysicians; The Theorists of Knowledge; The German Idealists; The Humanists of the Nineteenth Century.
Book cover: Jean Paul Sartre's Being and Nothingness: Class NotesJean Paul Sartre's Being and Nothingness: Class Notes
by ,
This is a set of class notes for a graduate-level course the author taught on Sartre's early philosophy. The main work was Being and Nothingness, but we also discussed Husserl's The Idea of Phenomenology and other works along the way.
Book cover: Yorick's World: Science and the Knowing SubjectYorick's World: Science and the Knowing Subject
by - University of California Press ,
Peter Caws provides a fresh treatment of some of the most vexing problems in the philosophy of science: explanation, induction, causality, evolution, discovery, artificial intelligence, and the social implications of technological rationality.
Book cover: Ancient and Modern Celebrated FreethinkersAncient and Modern Celebrated Freethinkers
by - J. P. Mendum ,
In these pages, appearing under the title of 'Half-Hours with the Freethinkers', are collected in a readable form an abstract of the lives and doctrines of some of those who have stood in the ranks of Free-thought in all countries and in all ages.
Book cover: Arabic Thought and Its Place in HistoryArabic Thought and Its Place in History
by - Kegan Paul and Company ,
A study of the mutual influence of Arabic and Western worlds during the Middle Ages. It traces the transmission of Greek philosophy and science to the Islamic cultures. The book presents a fascinating portrait of medieval Muslim thought.