

e-books in Neurology category

Book cover: Amyotrophic Lateral SclerosisAmyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
by - Exon Publications ,
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a fatal neurodegenerative disorder characterized by motor neuron cell death. The book brings understanding of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, challenges, and approaches to combat this devastating disease.
Book cover: Parkinson's Disease: Pathogenesis and Clinical AspectsParkinson's Disease: Pathogenesis and Clinical Aspects
by - Codon Publications ,
Parkinson's disease is an increasingly common neurodegenerative condition, which causes not only dysfunction of movement but also a broad range of nonmotor features, including mood disturbance, sleep dysfunction, autonomic dysfunction, etc.
Book cover: Diagnosis and Surgical Treatment of EpilepsyDiagnosis and Surgical Treatment of Epilepsy
by - MDPI AG ,
For those with medically intractable epilepsy, the recurrent seizures lead to increased mortality and risks of injury. Fortunately for many people with intractable epilepsy, epilepsy can be cured or seizures better controlled with surgical treatment.

Book cover: Facing the Other: Novel Theories and Methods in Face Perception ResearchFacing the Other: Novel Theories and Methods in Face Perception Research
by - Frontiers Media SA ,
Humans possess the ability to recognise thousands of people very quickly without effort. The serious social difficulties that follow abnormalities of the face recognition system underline the importance of typical face skills in our everyday life.
Book cover: NeurotoxinsNeurotoxins
by - InTech ,
Because the incidence of neurobehavioral hazards and risks of exogenous compounds remain subject matter of interest, predictive tools have evolved, including novel translational in vitro models, biomarkers, newer epidemiological research tools, etc.
Book cover: High-Resolution NeuroimagingHigh-Resolution Neuroimaging
by - InTech ,
During the recent years, there have been major breakthroughs in MRI due to developments in scanner technology. The advanced neuroimaging techniques have enabled us to achieve invaluable insights into tissue microstructure and brain connectivity.
Book cover: GlioblastomaGlioblastoma
by - Codon Publications ,
Glioblastoma is the commonest and the most lethal brain tumor. In this book 71 experts from around the globe come together to give a timely, unique and exhaustive compilation of preclinical and clinical knowledge and concepts of glioblastoma.
Book cover: Multiple Sclerosis: Perspectives in Treatment and PathogenesisMultiple Sclerosis: Perspectives in Treatment and Pathogenesis
by - Codon Publications ,
This book on the pathophysiology of multiple sclerosis concentrates on the potential etiology and treatment of multiple sclerosis, and basic studies discussing mechanisms and pathways involved in the development and progression of the disease.
Book cover: Brain Asymmetry of Structure and/or FunctionBrain Asymmetry of Structure and/or Function
by - MDPI AG ,
Research on asymmetry in a broad range of species, including humans, is presented in the chapters of this book. The authors discuss behavioural lateralization, asymmetries in sensory receptors and neural organisation and the role of genes ...
Book cover: The Anatomy of the BrainThe Anatomy of the Brain
by - F. A. Davis company ,
The author's aim was to furnish medical students with a clear, accurate, and concise account of the anatomy of the brain, to be used as a guide. He decided to omit minor details, and to exclude subjects which are still matters of controversy.
Book cover: Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) ApplicationsDeep Brain Stimulation (DBS) Applications
by - MDPI AG ,
The issue is dedicated to applications of Deep Brain Stimulation and we highlight the new developments that are taking place in the field. These include the application of new technology to existing indications, as well as 'new' indications.
Book cover: Biomarkers of NeuroinflammationBiomarkers of Neuroinflammation
- National Academies Press ,
Neuroinflammation is a burgeoning area of interest in academia and biopharma, with an acknowledged role in many CNS disorders. There is little agreement on the pathophysiological mechanisms that underlie the manifestations of neuroinflammation.
Book cover: Emotional Modulation of the SynapseEmotional Modulation of the Synapse
by - Frontiers Media SA ,
Enduring changes in the structure and function of synapses and neural circuitry can be modulated by highly aversive or rewarding experiences. Biological mechanisms determine whether a memory will be stored for the long-term or lost forever.
Book cover: Neurotoxicity: Identifying and Controlling Poisons of the Nervous SystemNeurotoxicity: Identifying and Controlling Poisons of the Nervous System
- U.S. Government Printing Office ,
Neurotoxic substances that are found on the job and even in the home pose a great public health threat. The full scope of this is made clear in this volume, which reviews US Federal research, testing and monitoring conducted by leading agencies.
Book cover: Neural Grafting: Repairing the Brain and Spinal CordNeural Grafting: Repairing the Brain and Spinal Cord
- US Congress Office of Technology Assessment ,
This book discusses the field of neural grafting into the brain and spinal cord to treat neurological disorders. It describes the technology of neural grafting, the neurological conditions that it may be used to treat, and the affected populations.
Book cover: ElectroencephalographyElectroencephalography
by - American Epilepsy Society ,
The EEG is an electrophysiological technique for the recording of electrical activity arising from the human brain. Given its exquisite temporal sensitivity, the main utility of EEG is in the evaluation of dynamic cerebral functioning.
Book cover: Discovering the BrainDiscovering the Brain
by - National Academies Press ,
A guide to the brain -- an easy-to-read discussion of the brain's physical structure and where functions such as language and music appreciation lie. Science writer Sandra Ackerman cuts through the complexity to bring this vital topic to the public.
Book cover: Intracerebral HemorrhageIntracerebral Hemorrhage
by - InTech ,
Intracerebral hemorrhage is an important clinical entity encountered in practice. Common causes of intracerebral hemorrhage include hypertension, amyloid angiopathy, trauma, coagulopathy, arteriovenous malformation and underlying tumor.
Book cover: The Physics of HearingThe Physics of Hearing
by - arXiv ,
To detect and process sound, the ear employs a highly nonlinear, adaptive, real-time spectral analyzer: the cochlea. Sound excites vibration of the eardrum and the three miniscule bones of the middle ear, the last of which acts as a piston ...
Book cover: Tumors of the Central Nervous System: Primary and SecondaryTumors of the Central Nervous System: Primary and Secondary
by - InTech ,
A novel concept that is discussed in the book alludes to the transport of drugs bound to red blood cells into the highly vascular CNS tumors - both primary and metastatic. Such a transport mechanism is unique and of significant therapeutic potential.
Book cover: In the Light of Evolution: Volume VI: Brain and BehaviorIn the Light of Evolution: Volume VI: Brain and Behavior
by - National Academies Press ,
The central goal of the series is to promote the evolutionary sciences through state-of-the-art colloquia. This volume focuses on the field of evolutionary neuroscience that now includes a vast array of different approaches, data types, and species.
Book cover: Itch: Mechanisms and TreatmentItch: Mechanisms and Treatment
by - CRC Press ,
A timely update on all aspects of itch research and the treatment of itch that accompanies many dermatological conditions including psoriasis, neuropathic itch, cutaneous t-cells lymphoma, and systemic diseases such as liver disease and cancer.
Book cover: NeurochemistryNeurochemistry
by - InTech ,
Neurochemistry studies the role of chemicals that build the nervous system, it explores the function of neurons in health and disease, it discovers aspects of cell metabolism and reveals how degenerative processes are at work in the nervous system.
Book cover: Traumatic Brain InjuryTraumatic Brain Injury
by - InTech ,
This book provides an overview of the management of patients with traumatic brain injury, in a stepwise approach, from the intensive care unit, through to discharge from the hospital, rehabilitation, recovery and assimilation in family and society.
Book cover: Sports-Related Concussions in YouthSports-Related Concussions in Youth
- National Academies Press ,
In the past decade, few issues at the intersection of medicine and sports have had as high a profile or have generated as much public interest as sports-related concussions. Concussion is the most common type of traumatic brain injury.
Book cover: Neurodegeneration: Exploring Commonalities Across DiseasesNeurodegeneration: Exploring Commonalities Across Diseases
- National Academies Press ,
The summary of a workshop on Neuroscience and Nervous System Disorders in 2012 to explore commonalities across neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and frontotemporal dementia.
Book cover: Magnesium in the Central Nervous SystemMagnesium in the Central Nervous System
by - University of Adelaide Press ,
This book brings together the latest in experimental and clinical magnesium research as it relates to the central nervous system. It offers a complete and updated view of magnesium's involvement in central nervous system function...
Book cover: Neurodegenerative DiseasesNeurodegenerative Diseases
by - InTech ,
This book highlights the pathophysiological complexities of the mechanisms and factors that are likely to be involved in a range of neuroinflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer's disease, other Dementia, Parkinson Diseases.
Book cover: Peripheral NeuropathyPeripheral Neuropathy
by - InTech ,
The objective of this book is to update health care professionals on recent advances in pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of peripheral neuropathy. This work was written by a group of clinicians and scientists with large expertise in the field.
Book cover: Understanding Alzheimer's DiseaseUnderstanding Alzheimer's Disease
by - InTech ,
Alzheimer's dementia affects 6 million Europeans with 10 percent of people over age 65 and more than a quarter over 85. Given the steady aging of European societies, dementia and cognitive decline have developed into a major health problem...
Book cover: Basal Ganglia: An Integrative ViewBasal Ganglia: An Integrative View
by - InTech ,
This volume explores the Basal Ganglia from diverse perspectives, sometimes as starting point others as end of diverse pathologies. It reaches from basic neuroanatomical explanations to higher-order integrative processes.
Book cover: The Neurobiological Basis of SuicideThe Neurobiological Basis of Suicide
by - CRC Press ,
The Neurobiological Basis of Suicide focuses on how and why the neurobiological factors are crucial in the pathogenic mechanisms of suicidal behavior and how these findings can be transformed into potential therapeutic applications.
Book cover: Neuromuscular DisordersNeuromuscular Disorders
by - InTech ,
Neuromuscular Disorders is an interesting compendium of diverse and fairly inclusive topics in disorders of nerve and muscle, with a spectrum of generally well written and pertinent chapters referencing specific categories of neuromuscular diseases.
Book cover: Jasper's Basic Mechanisms of the EpilepsiesJasper's Basic Mechanisms of the Epilepsies
by - National Center for Biotechnology Information ,
The book considers the role of interactions between neurons, synapses, and glia in the initiation, spread and arrest of seizures. It examines mechanisms of excitability, synchronization, seizure susceptibility, and ultimately epileptogenesis.
Book cover: Neurobiology of Sensation and RewardNeurobiology of Sensation and Reward
by - CRC Press ,
Synthesizing coverage of sensation and reward into a comprehensive systems overview, Neurobiology of Sensation and Reward presents a cutting-edge and multidisciplinary approach to the interplay of sensory and reward processing in the brain.
Book cover: The Neural Bases of Multisensory ProcessesThe Neural Bases of Multisensory Processes
by - CRC Press ,
Using the modern brain imaging and neuroscience methods, The Neural Bases of Multisensory Processes details current understanding in the neural bases for these phenomena as studied across species, stages of development, and clinical statuses.
Book cover: Methods for Neural Ensemble RecordingsMethods for Neural Ensemble Recordings
by - CRC Press ,
Neural ensemble recording grew into a well-respected and highly data-lucrative science. New experimental paradigms and the establishment of direct real-time brain-machine interfaces hold promise for new-generation prosthetic devices.
Book cover: Atlas of the BrainAtlas of the Brain
by - Dartmouth Medical School ,
Modules: Atlas of Gross Brain Topography; Atlas of the Brain Stem in Cross Section; Atlas of the Brain in Axial Slices; Atlas of the Brain in Coronal Slices; Atlas of the Head in Axial Slices; Axial T1-weighted MRI; Coronal T2 MRI; etc.
Book cover: Advanced Topics in Neurological DisordersAdvanced Topics in Neurological Disorders
by - InTech ,
This book presents recent advances in the field of Neurological disorders research. It encompasses a wide range of areas including bioengineering, stem cell transplantation, gene therapy, proteomic analysis, alternative treatment and more.
Book cover: Brain FactsBrain Facts
- Society for Neuroscience ,
Brain Facts is a 96-page primer on the brain and nervous system, published by SfN. Designed for a lay audience as an introduction to neuroscience, Brain Facts is also a valuable educational resource used by high school teachers and students.
Book cover: Neuroscience: Science of the BrainNeuroscience: Science of the Brain
- The British Neuroscience Association ,
The British Neuroscience Association commissioned the booklet for the purposes of teaching young people about the brain and neuroscience. The booklet contains short explanatory chapters on different subjects written by experts in each topic.
Book cover: Transient Loss of Consciousness Management in Adults and Young PeopleTransient Loss of Consciousness Management in Adults and Young People
- Royal College of Physicians ,
This guideline aims to define the pathways for the initial assessment of TLoC patients, and so to derive the correct underlying diagnosis quickly, efficiently, and cost-effectively, and tailor the management plan to suit their true diagnosis.
Book cover: Critical Care in NeurologyCritical Care in Neurology
by - Flying Publisher ,
The goal of neurointensive care is to treat and prevent primary and secondary brain injury. This book addresses the day-to-day management of patients in neurointensive care units and the clinical approach to common neurocritical conditions.
Book cover: Motor Neurone DiseaseMotor Neurone Disease
- National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence ,
This guideline considers the signs and symptoms that can be used for predicting respiratory impairment in patients with MND, the diagnostic accuracy of investigations for detecting and monitoring respiratory impairment, ...
Book cover: Pathogenesis of EncephalitisPathogenesis of Encephalitis
by - InTech ,
Encephalitis is an inflammation of the brain parenchyma, which may result in a more serious disease meningoencephalitis. To establish diagnosis and develop effective vaccines to overcome this disease, it is important to understand its mechanism.
Book cover: The Dynamic Synapse: Molecular Methods in Ionotropic Receptor BiologyThe Dynamic Synapse: Molecular Methods in Ionotropic Receptor Biology
by - CRC Press ,
Bringing together the latest information into one resource, this volume explores the diverse tools and technologies used to study synaptic processes. The book delineates newly developed techniques used for studying neurotransmitter receptors.
Book cover: Using Imaging to Identify Deceit: Scientific and Ethical QuestionsUsing Imaging to Identify Deceit: Scientific and Ethical Questions
by - American Academy of Arts and Sciences ,
Can the new technique of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) detect deceit? This book examines the scientific support for using fMRI as well as the legal and ethical questions raised when machine-based means are employed to identify deceit.
Book cover: The Cerebral CirculationThe Cerebral Circulation
by - Morgan & Claypool Life Sciences ,
This book describes structural and functional properties of the cerebral circulation that are unique to the brain, an organ with high metabolic demands, and the need for tight water and ion homeostasis. Autoregulation is pronounced in the brain ...
Book cover: Biology of the NMDA ReceptorBiology of the NMDA Receptor
by - CRC Press ,
This book covers many aspects of the biology of NMDARs: their role in controlling of synapses and neurons during early development; how overstimulation of NMDARs results in excitotoxicity and contributes to several progressive brain disorders.
Book cover: In Vivo Optical Imaging of Brain FunctionIn Vivo Optical Imaging of Brain Function
by - Taylor & Francis Group ,
Reflecting changes in the field during the past five years, the second edition of the book describes state-of-the-art techniques and their applications for the growing field of functional imaging in the live brain using optical imaging techniques.
Book cover: Advances in the Neuroscience of AddictionAdvances in the Neuroscience of Addiction
by - CRC Press ,
Written by a distinguished international team of contributors, Advances in the Neuroscience of Addiction provides an excellent overview of the available and emerging approaches used to investigate the biologic mechanisms of drug addiction.
Book cover: From Molecules to Minds: Challenges for the 21st CenturyFrom Molecules to Minds: Challenges for the 21st Century
by - National Academies Press ,
The workshop 'From Molecules to Minds' was organized so that representatives of all corners of the neuroscience world could provide updates on the latest advances in the field, and then discuss how they related to the concept of Grand Challenges.
Book cover: Human Brain FunctionHuman Brain Function
by - Academic Press ,
Imaging neuroscience - theory and analysis: Computational neuroanatomy (Rigid body registration, Spatial normalization, High-dimensional image warping, Image segmentation, Morphometry); Modeling; Inference; Functional integration.
Book cover: Of the Evolution of the BrainOf the Evolution of the Brain
by - SISSA ,
We review the common themes, the network models and the mathematical formalism underlying our studies about different stages in the evolution of the human brain. These studies discuss the evolution of cortical networks in terms of their computations.
Book cover: Multiple SclerosisMultiple Sclerosis
- Royal College of Physicians ,
Many people with MS need to make extensive use of health services and social services. The aim of this guideline is to ensure that people with MS benefit from a coherent response from services, to minimize their problems as far as can be achieved.
Book cover: Brain Aging: Models, Methods, and MechanismsBrain Aging: Models, Methods, and Mechanisms
by - CRC Press ,
A selective overview of the current research in this rapidly expanding field. A valuable resource for new and established investigators of the aging brain, this volume reviews critical studies of brain aging in new animal models.
Book cover: Lateral Interactions in the Cortex: Structure and FunctionLateral Interactions in the Cortex: Structure and Function
by - UTCS Neural Networks Research Group ,
This book brings together eleven computational investigations, each from a slightly different perspective and level aiming to explain what function the lateral interactions could play in the development and information processing in the cortex.
Book cover: Eye, Brain, and VisionEye, Brain, and Vision
by - W. H. Freeman ,
Hubel, a Nobel Prize winner, begins by explaining the structure and function of the retina and visual areas of the brain, then proceeds to more complex phenomena, such as how the brain and eyes together produce stereoscopic and color vision.
Book cover: Neuroscience of Psychoactive Substance Use and DependenceNeuroscience of Psychoactive Substance Use and Dependence
- World Health Organization ,
Summary of current knowledge of the biological basis of substance use behaviours, including their relationship with environmental factors. The report focuses on a wide range of psychoactive substances, including tobacco, alcohol and illicit drugs.
Book cover: Animal Models of Cognitive ImpairmentAnimal Models of Cognitive Impairment
by - CRC ,
The animals models of cognitive impairment described in this book are diverse and involve common cognitive diseases such as AD and schizophrenia. A general coverage of the broad aspects of cognitive impairment is realized.
Book cover: An Introduction to EpilepsyAn Introduction to Epilepsy
by - American Epilepsy Society ,
The book was developed by the American Epilepsy Society's Education Committee as a resource for students and faculty. It covers basic mechanisms underlying seizures and epilepsy, clinical epilepsy, neuropharmacology of antiepileptic drugs, etc.
Book cover: The Epilepsies: Seizures, Syndromes and ManagementThe Epilepsies: Seizures, Syndromes and Management
by - Bladon Medical Publishing ,
An exhaustive account of the classification and management of epileptic disorders. The author gives clear and didactic guidance on the diagnosis, treatment and ongoing management of the full spectrum of epileptic syndromes.