
Noncommutative Geometry

e-books in Noncommutative Geometry category

Book cover: Deformations of Algebras in Noncommutative GeometryDeformations of Algebras in Noncommutative Geometry
by - arXiv ,
In these notes, we give an example-motivated review of the deformation theory of associative algebras in terms of the Hochschild cochain complex as well as quantization of Poisson structures, and Kontsevich's formality theorem in the smooth setting.
Book cover: Notes on Noncommutative GeometryNotes on Noncommutative Geometry
by - arXiv ,
The book covers basics of noncommutative geometry and its applications in topology, algebraic geometry and number theory. Intended for the graduate students and faculty with interests in noncommutative geometry; they can be read by non-experts.
Book cover: Very Basic Noncommutative GeometryVery Basic Noncommutative Geometry
by - University of Western Ontario ,
Contents: Introduction; Some examples of geometry-algebra correspondence; Noncommutative quotients; Cyclic cohomology; Chern-Connes character; Banach and C*-algebras; Idempotents and finite projective modules; Equivalence of categories.

Book cover: Homological Methods in Noncommutative GeometryHomological Methods in Noncommutative Geometry
by ,
The first seven lectures deal with the homological part of the story (cyclic homology, its various definitions, various additional structures it possesses). Then there are four lectures centered around Hochschild cohomology and the formality theorem.
Book cover: Surveys in Noncommutative GeometrySurveys in Noncommutative Geometry
by - American Mathematical Society ,
These lectures are intended to introduce key topics in noncommutative geometry to mathematicians unfamiliar with the subject. Topics: applications of noncommutative geometry to problems in ordinary geometry and topology, residue index theorem, etc.
Book cover: An Introduction to Noncommutative Spaces and their GeometryAn Introduction to Noncommutative Spaces and their Geometry
by - arXiv ,
These lectures notes are an introduction for physicists to several ideas and applications of noncommutative geometry. The necessary mathematical tools are presented in a way which we feel should be accessible to physicists.
Book cover: Noncommutative Geometry, Quantum Fields and MotivesNoncommutative Geometry, Quantum Fields and Motives
by - American Mathematical Society ,
The unifying theme of this book is the interplay among noncommutative geometry, physics, and number theory. The two main objects of investigation are spaces where both the noncommutative and the motivic aspects come to play a role.
Book cover: Noncommutative GeometryNoncommutative Geometry
by - Academic Press ,
The definitive treatment of the revolutionary approach to measure theory, geometry, and mathematical physics. Ideal for anyone who wants to know what noncommutative geometry is, what it can do, or how it can be used in various areas of mathematics.
Book cover: Geometric Models for Noncommutative AlgebraGeometric Models for Noncommutative Algebra
by - University of California at Berkeley ,
Noncommutative geometry is the study of noncommutative algebras as if they were algebras of functions on spaces, like the commutative algebras associated to affine algebraic varieties, differentiable manifolds, topological spaces, and measure spaces.