e-books in Differential Equations category

by Joseph Fels Ritt - The American Mathematical Society , 1932
We shall be concerned, in this monograph, with systems of differential equations, ordinary or partial, which are algebraic in the unknowns and their derivatives. The algebraic side of the theory of such systems seems is developed in this book.

by S. Schwabik, M. Tvrdy, O. Vejvoda - Academia Praha , 1979
The book is devoted to certain problems which belong to the domain of integral equations and boundary value problems for differential equations. Its essential part is concerned with linear systems of integral and generalized differential equations...

by William F. Trench - Brooks Cole , 2013
Trench includes a thorough treatment of boundary-value problems and partial differential equations and has organized the book to allow instructors to select the level of technology desired. This has been simplified by using symbols, C and L ...

by William Woolsey Johnson - J. Wiley , 1906
The differential equation must necessarily at first be viewed in connection with a 'primitive', from which it might have been obtained by the direct process, and the solution consists in the discovery of such a primitive, when it exists...

by H.T.H. Piaggio - G. Bell , 1920
The object of this book is to give an account of the central parts of the subject in as simple a form as possible, suitable for those with no previous knowledge of it, and to point out the different directions in which it may be developed.

by Boris Dubrovin - SISSA , 2008
These are lecture notes on various topics in analytic theory of differential equations: Singular points of solutions to analytic differential equations; Monodromy of linear differential operators with rational coefficients.

by M. Kuranishi - Tata Institute of Fundamental Research , 1962
Contents: Parametrization of sets of integral submanifolds (Regular linear maps, Germs of submanifolds of a manifold); Exterior differential systems (Differential systems with independent variables); Prolongation of Exterior Differential Systems.

by Horst R. Beyer - arXiv , 2011
This course introduces the use of semigroup methods in the solution of linear and nonlinear (quasi-linear) hyperbolic partial differential equations, with particular application to wave equations and Hermitian hyperbolic systems.

by Andrew Fowler - University of Oxford , 2005
This course develops mathematical techniques which are useful in solving 'real-world' problems involving differential equations. The course embraces the ethos of mathematical modelling, and aims to show in a practical way how equations 'work'.

by Jeffrey R. Chasnov - The Hong Kong University of Science &Technology , 2010
Contents: A short mathematical review; Introduction to odes; First-order odes; Second-order odes, constant coefficients; The Laplace transform; Series solutions; Systems of equations; Bifurcation theory; Partial differential equations.

by N. V. Kopchenova, I. A. Maron , 1975
This is a manual on solving problems in computational mathematics. The book is intended primarily for engineering students, but may also prove useful for economics students, graduate engineers, and postgraduate students in the applied sciences.

by Bruce K. Driver - Springer , 2003
These are lecture notes from Real analysis and PDE: Basic Topological, Metric and Banach Space Notions; Riemann Integral and ODE; Lebesbgue Integration; Hilbert Spaces and Spectral Theory of Compact Operators; Complex Variable Theory; etc.

by A. N. Varchenko, P. I. Etingof - American Mathematical Society , 1992
This book concerns the problem of evolution of a round oil spot surrounded by water when oil is extracted from a well inside the spot. It turns out that the boundary of the spot remains an algebraic curve of degree four in the course of evolution.

by Jiří Lebl - Lulu.com , 2017
One semester introductory course on differential equations aimed at engineers. The book covers first order ODEs, higher order linear ODEs, systems of ODEs, Fourier series and PDEs, eigenvalue problems, and the Laplace transform.

by A. Volpert, V. Volpert, V. Volpert - American Mathematical Society , 2000
The theory of traveling waves described by parabolic equations and systems is a rapidly developing branch of modern mathematics. This book presents a general picture of current results about wave solutions of parabolic systems and their stability.

by Paul Dawkins - Lamar University , 2011
Contents: Basic Concepts; First Order Differential Equations; Second Order DE; Laplace Transforms; Systems of Differential Equations; Series Solutions; Higher Order DE; Boundary Value Problems and Fourier Series; Partial Differential Equations.

by Edward Nelson - Princeton University Press , 1969
Lecture notes for a course on differential equations covering differential calculus, Picard's method, local structure of vector fields, sums and Lie products, self-adjoint operators on Hilbert space, commutative multiplicity theory, and more.

by Bob Terrell , 2005
Introductory notes on ordinary and partial differential equations for engineers. The text covers only the most important ideas. Assumed background is calculus and a little physics. Linear algebra is introduced in four of the lectures.

by Dan Sloughter , 2000
The book is on sequences, limits, difference equations, functions and their properties, affine approximations, integration, polynomial approximations and Taylor series, transcendental functions, complex plane and differential equations.