

e-books in Economics category

Book cover: Musket, Map and MoneyMusket, Map and Money
by - De Gruyter Open ,
Military technological changes decisively shaped geopolitics. In his book Jimmy Teng claims that to understand the impacts of these military technological changes is in fact to understand the causes behind the major historical puzzles.
Book cover: Principles of Managerial EconomicsPrinciples of Managerial Economics
- Saylor Foundation ,
This book presents economic concepts and principles from the perspective of managerial economics. The purpose of managerial economics is to provide economic terminology and reasoning for the improvement of managerial decisions.
Book cover: The Origin and the Evolution of Firms: Information as a Driving ForceThe Origin and the Evolution of Firms: Information as a Driving Force
by - IOS Press ,
This book develops a consistent theory of evolution in its wider sense. The author of the book traces a continuous line of evolving information sets that connect the Big-Bang to the firms and markets of our current socio-economic system.
Book cover: Mathematical Analysis for EconomistsMathematical Analysis for Economists
by - Macmillan And Company ,
The mathematical methods described are used in the elucidation of problems of economic theory. Illustrative examples are added and it is hoped that the reader will become familiar with the mathematical tools and applications to concrete problems.

Book cover: The Economy as a Complex Spatial SystemThe Economy as a Complex Spatial System
- Springer Open ,
Visualizing the EU as a complex and multi-layered network, this collected volume is organized in three parts, each of them dealing with a different level of analysis: the macro-level, the meso-level, and the micro-level ...
Book cover: The Economics of Food and Agricultural MarketsThe Economics of Food and Agricultural Markets
by - New Prairie Press ,
This book is written for applied intermediate microeconomics courses. It showcases the power of economic principles to explain and predict issues and current events in the food, agricultural, international trade, and natural resource sectors.
Book cover: Economic FablesEconomic Fables
by - Open Book Publishers ,
Part memoir, part crash-course in economic theory, this deeply engaging book by one of the world's foremost economists looks at economic ideas through a personal lens. Rubinstein challenges many of the central tenets of game theory.
Book cover: Industrial Organization, a Contract Based approachIndustrial Organization, a Contract Based approach
by - Lulu.com ,
The book offers an extensive and up-to-date panorama of Industrial Organization aimed at advanced undergraduates. The analysis of market interactions, business strategies and public policy is performed using the now standard framework of game theory.
Book cover: An Introduction to Regional EconomicsAn Introduction to Regional Economics
by - West Virginia University ,
This book is designed as a college text for the student's first course in regional economics, at either the upperclass or the graduate level. It presupposes no previous exposure to regional economics as such, nor anything beyond basic economics.
Book cover: Behavioral Economics: Past, Present, FutureBehavioral Economics: Past, Present, Future
by - Caltech ,
Behavioral economics increases the explanatory power of economics by providing it with more realistic psychological foundations. 'Behavioral Economics: Past, Present, Future' consists of representative recent articles in behavioral economics.
Book cover: The Theory of the Leisure ClassThe Theory of the Leisure Class
by ,
Classic of economic and social theory offers a satiric examination of the hollowness and falsity suggested by the term 'conspicuous consumption', exposing the emptiness of many cherished standards of taste, education, dress, and culture.
Book cover: Economic Concepts: Ancient and ModernEconomic Concepts: Ancient and Modern
by - Smashwords ,
This collection of articles gives a broad idea about economic concepts of Kautliya's Arthasastra (circa 300 B. C.), Adam Smith, Karl Marx, Classical and Neoclassical Economists, Mahatma Gandhi, John Maynard Keynes and post Keynesian Economists.
Book cover: Principles of EconomicsPrinciples of Economics
by - University of Minnesota ,
The authors teach economics as the study of 'choice' by providing students with an accessible, straightforward overview of economics. Rittenberg and Tregarthen help students to understand how real individuals actually work with economics.
Book cover: Forecasting: Principles and PracticeForecasting: Principles and Practice
by - otexts.com ,
This textbook provides an introduction to forecasting methods and presents enough information about each method for readers to use them sensibly. We don't attempt to give a thorough discussion of the theoretical details behind each method.
Book cover: The Wisdom of Henry HazlittThe Wisdom of Henry Hazlitt
by - Foundation for Economic Education ,
This collection of essays introduces the reader to the economic thought of Henry Hazlitt. The Wisdom of Henry Hazlitt contains essays discussing Hazlitt's life, philosophy, career, and unwavering defense of the free market.
Book cover: Income, Employment and the Price LevelIncome, Employment and the Price Level
by - A. M. Kelley ,
In his lecture, Professor Marschak has set himself the task of incorporating the new developments in monetary theory and presenting them in a logical, precise and rigorous manner. He reveals the precise nature of the new analytical equipment.
Book cover: Price Flexibility and EmploymentPrice Flexibility and Employment
by - Principia Press ,
Contents: Introduction; Partial-Equilibrium Theory; General-Equilibrium Theory; Analysis of the Monetary Effect; Price Expectations; Uncertainty; Imperfect Competition; International Trade; Changes in the Propensity to Consume; etc.
Book cover: The Secret Sins of EconomicsThe Secret Sins of Economics
by - Prickly Paradigm Press ,
In this pamphlet, McCloskey reveals what she sees as the secret sins of economics (there are two) that no one will discuss. In her view, these sins cripple economics as a scientific enterprise. She writes with passion and an unusually wide scope.
Book cover: Capital as Power: A Study of Order and CreorderCapital as Power: A Study of Order and Creorder
by - Routledge ,
The authors address the old theoretical conundrum in political economy -- the theory of capital -- with a view to supplying a more satisfactory answer to the question 'what is capital?' The work fits into the tradition of radical political economy.
Book cover: Discovering Artificial EconomicsDiscovering Artificial Economics
by - Westview Press ,
This is an informal and revealing introduction to the ideas of modern systems theory and self-organization as they apply to problems in the economic realm. David Batten interleaves anecdotes and stories with technical discussions.
Book cover: Economics in One LessonEconomics in One Lesson
by - Pocket Books ,
This book is an analysis of economic fallacies that are so prevalent that they have almost become a new orthodoxy. Their own self-contradictions have have scattered those who accept the same premises into a hundred different 'schools'.
Book cover: Historical Economics: Art or Science?Historical Economics: Art or Science?
by - University of California Press ,
The essays cover a range of historical periods and also include European history and explorations of long-run changes in the American economy. Economists and historians will consult this powerful argument for the importance of historical economics.
Book cover: History of Economic ThoughtHistory of Economic Thought
by ,
This text introduces the reader to an overview of ideas about how the economy is related to society and the individuals. It is not a comprehensive history of economic thought, rather, it introduces ideas and encourages further exploration.
Book cover: The Pure Theory of CapitalThe Pure Theory of Capital
by - Ludwig von Mises Institute ,
The greatest failing of non-Austrians theories of macroeconomics is that they lack a robust theory of capital. F.A. Hayek sought to fill out the theory of the business cycle with an impenetrable one, and the result was this remarkable 1941 treatise.
Book cover: Profit and LossProfit and Loss
by - Von Mises Institute ,
In this outstanding paper the author explains how cost accounting is the critical institution that ferrets out social waste, ensures that resources are directed to their most highly valued ends, and how entrepreneurs respond to price signals.
Book cover: Making Economic SenseMaking Economic Sense
by - Ludwig Von Mises Institute ,
The goal of this hefty tome by this master economist is to communicate with the public about economic theory and policy, in the form of articles. No economist has ever written so clearly about subjects usually wrapped in mystery.
Book cover: Efficiency and Externalities in an Open-Ended UniverseEfficiency and Externalities in an Open-Ended Universe
by - Ludwig von Mises Institute ,
This important book is a thorough and extensive study, in which Cordato shows that there is no standard by which we can judge efficiency apart from the market standard, and no way to adjudicate property rights apart from exchange relationships.
Book cover: The Economics and Ethics of Private PropertyThe Economics and Ethics of Private Property
by - Ludwig von Mises Institute ,
'Do not steal' is the first principle of sound economic systems. The topics covered by Hoppe are wide ranging: employment, interest, money, banking, trade cycles, taxes, public goods, war, imperialism, and the rise and fall of civilizations.
Book cover: Capital and ProductionCapital and Production
by - Mises Institute ,
Strigl's important work is translated to English. The book links Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk's production theory and Mises's business cycle theory, and gives a pathbreaking account of the role of consumers' goods within the structure of production.
Book cover: The Anti-Capitalistic MentalityThe Anti-Capitalistic Mentality
by - Libertarian Press ,
The author searches for the roots of the common anti-capitalist bias. What makes so many people unhappy in the private property order? In such a system, the failures need a scapegoat. People whose ambitions have not been satisfied blame the system.
Book cover: Bagels, Barry Bonds, and Rotten PoliticiansBagels, Barry Bonds, and Rotten Politicians
by - Ludwig von Mises Institute ,
Burton Blumert is an entrepreneur who knows not only all that there is to know about precious metals but also about politics and economics. He offers his wide-ranging insights in this funny, charming, and also learned collection of essays.
Book cover: Mathematical Methods for Economic Theory: a tutorialMathematical Methods for Economic Theory: a tutorial
by - University of Toronto ,
This tutorial covers the basic mathematical tools used in economic theory. The main topics are multivariate calculus, concavity and convexity, optimization theory, differential and difference equations. Knowledge of elementary calculus is assumed.
Book cover: Capital and Its StructureCapital and Its Structure
by - Ludwig von Mises Institute ,
A robust theory of capital that incorporates an Austrian understanding of the business cycle and the market process. This book remains a seminal study written while the author was at the height of his intellectual powers.
Book cover: The Ultimate Foundation of Economic ScienceThe Ultimate Foundation of Economic Science
by - Liberty Fund Inc. ,
Mises argues that economics is a science because human action is a natural order of life and that it is the actions of humans that determine markets and capital decisions. This book brings together all of the themes from Mises's previous work.
Book cover: Pillars of Prosperity: Free Markets, Honest Money, Private PropertyPillars of Prosperity: Free Markets, Honest Money, Private Property
by - Mises Institute ,
This economic manifesto by Ron Paul collects his greatest speeches and debates. He provided a coherent explanation of everything the government has done wrong in this area. He also provides a way out: free market, honest money, and private property.
Book cover: New Rules for the New EconomyNew Rules for the New Economy
by - Penguin ,
In this book Kelly tries to encapsulate the characteristics of the new economic order by laying out 10 rules for how the wired world operates. The result is a thought-provoking look at the behavior of networks and their effect on our economic lives.
Book cover: Modeling Bounded RationalityModeling Bounded Rationality
by - The MIT Press ,
The author considers the modeling of choice, the modeling of procedural rationality, knowledge, memory, the choice of what to know, and group decisions. The second part discusses the fundamental difficulties of modeling bounded rationality in games.
Book cover: Economics and LanguageEconomics and Language
by - Cambridge University Press ,
Five essays investigating both the economics of language and the language of economics. The author touches on the structure of binary relations in daily language, the evolutionary development of the meaning of words, and more.
Book cover: Lecture Notes for EconomicsLecture Notes for Economics
by ,
These are the lecture notes on pricing, mechanism design, and agency at the Ph.D. level. This text is intended to supplement the lectures and other materials for the first half of Economics 201b at the University of California, Berkeley.
Book cover: Bargaining and MarketsBargaining and Markets
by - Academic Press ,
Bargaining and markets presents the modern theory of bargaining and describes several applications of the theory to the study of markets. It uses a small number of models to illustrate the key points and offers detailed proofs of all results.
Book cover: Cook-Book Of MathematicsCook-Book Of Mathematics
by - CERGE-EI ,
Simple recipes for solving problems students might face in their studies of economics. The main goal was to refresh students' knowledge of mathematics rather than teach them math from scratch, BA level mathematics is required.